Saturday, April 10, 2010

My Traveling life

Oh gosh, it's been awhile since I last stepped foot into this blog and jot down what has been going on in my life. Can't believe one month already passed by since I last touched down in the America Soil.

Things has been hectic, get my license renew, get a car, reorganized my stuff, work, travel and bla bla bla. I was abit excited when they send me back to Johnson city, TN for my assignment because I've been there before and I love the GM and the operation manager there. However, this time, things are ugly between the dietary and nursing department - well, it has been going sour for awhile since I was there 2 yrs ago. Ugh... really don't understand those nurses, things they know it all and play pretend doctors. HATE IT BIATCH !! mind my language ... LOL ...

Then, my VP met me at work and said :" Have you heard the 411 ?? " and I was like :" WHAT's going on?" VP boss :" Well, i'm not going into details, you better get in touch with Bill (my boss)".
So, my boss (Bill) and I got together on the phone and here's the deal; The Big big BOSS, SVP don't want to keep so many people on traveling jobs anymore and even though they liked me, they said it's just to be on the safe side to try and search for permanent job and it doesn't have to be within their region. I was like :" YIPPIE" , i always thought that I needed to stay with their region since they sponsored my visa but apparently not. So, I have been actively apply for other jobs in NY and DC area to press my luck and see if I can get a promotion and some pay raise! Kekekeke :) So, after just couple days the recruiter called me for the 2 jobs that I have applied and I should have my interview within the next two weeks or so. WOoo WOoo .. I'm really looking forward to it but at the same time scared as it's been awhile since I last went for any job interview. Hahahaha

Anyway, it's been good for now as I have couple days to relax at Jon's grandpa's house in the woods, no one really bothers me and I can do whatever I wanted to do. Will update as my job hunting progress goes smoothly.