Friday, December 31, 2010

Recap 2010

Wow, seems like it was just not too long ago that I wrote the reviews for 2009. Gosh, time really does fly by so quickly yearly. And 2010 has been a dramatic year for me I shall say. Lots of things happened but overall it's bearable and I've grown so much stronger as a person. Even though that it's already 2011 in Malaysia but I'm in the States and I still have about 39 minutes to finishing up this blog entry to help me celebrate the 1 hr of 2011 in the cyber world.

I still vaguely remember what I did for the New Year's Eve last year, hanging at home of my parents and laying on the couch watching TV for the live streaming from Taipei countdown as I'm waiting for my favorite artist to show up for the New Year countdown and performance. Hmmm .... lee hom is still the best!!!

Well, let's see what I've done in 2010. I spent the 1st quarter of the year in Malaysia, spending time with my family and friends up till March. Then, I came back to start my traveling life and then found a permanent position that I liked, moved, switched division and got my promotion to be assistant nutrition manager, I couldn't be happier and thought that everything is just fine. But, out of the blue, I got a news that someone that I used to care about just don't think he's really "in love" with me anymore. Wow... what a blow to the face. But, I always believed everything happened for a reason and there's nothing much I can do about it. The show must go on.

Nevertheless, it's all in the passed and I've moved on and have never felt this happier and content with my life for years. Things had just gotten better since the breakup that I have enjoyed my single life going out with new friends and co-worker that I met in NYC. People here are rude but there's still some good people out here that are awesome to be friends with. Many many good things have come my way after September. For example:
1)I won an ipad ... everyone is jealous and yell at me cause I've only used it twice since I got it :p

2)I went on a kayaking trip with a friend that I've never thought I would do .... awesome experience.

3)I went to rock climbing for my friend's bachelorette's party. Tons of fun !!!

4)Went to Disneyworld for a short vaca to retreat and refresh. Love it.

5)Attended KT and Charlene's wedding, so beautiful to be part of this special time of their life.

6)Having tons of present from friends and co-worker for Christmas, and the Xmas eve party was a success.

7)I guessed the best part was able to meet a new friend when I went to visit my aunt in Oregon. Well, he's definitely the highlight of my year :)

This year end, I'll be taking it low key and enjoying the quietness in the house by myself, watching TV, drinking teas, listening to soothing music. Relaxing and doesn't have to be sandwiched in crowds and embrace the cold weather outside. Nothing is really special, to me, it's just another night unless I have a very special someone to celebrate it with.

Anyway, I'm wishing everyone a very Happy prosperous new year, wealth and health to my family and friends :) Hoping 2011 will bring more excitement in my life that I'm very looking forward to many happy news to share with you all.
