Wednesday, November 4, 2009


It's been couple weeks since I last updated anything about myself. Just to let ya'll know that I'm now at Penang helping my sis in law taking care of Jovie and I've gotten sick since Monday without any apparent reason. I was totally healthy before that. Just suddenly it hit me on Monday that my throat is sore and then flu symptoms showing and today I've lost my voice totally this morning when I woke up. 

I quickly drank tons and tons of water to help to care for my vocal cords but it doesn't seemed to help much. Until after lunch my voice improved slightly but still very coarse and deep like a man. LOL.  Luckily as usual I have my hou ji mui (best gal friends) to chat with me through the cyber world and nurture my sickness.... hahaha 

Out of the blue when I was trying to let Jovie to go to sleep, one staff said Ms hui, you have a phone call. I was like scoobie doo "HURH" with curiosity. Once I picked up the phone and on the other end of the line was my sot plak (insane) friend zCakes. She has nothing better to do to call to my sis in law's dad's office to find me. Really didn't find a wrong nickname for her...ting tong tiang!! 

We then continue our conversations through MSN.....really pathetic, we have nothing better to do until playing like a high schoolers....wuahaha. But it was a funny memory in the end anyway :P 

1 comment:

  1. i think it's totally fun lor...without u gals in msn, i think i went crazy long time back...muahahaha...n u sounded so formal when i address u by ur surname on the phone...hahah...n u never recognise my voice... =(
