Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2009 --- 惭愧的一年

正当我要动手的同时,慧慧既然已经完成了她 2009 年的回顾. 哈!!!我也想回顾一下自己过去一年来的点滴.但...一看回这一年来,我做了什么,就实在有点惭愧.为什么会有这样的结论呢...因为我发觉,这一年里我虽然日子过的很充实;但我却忽略了一样东西.那就是我和好朋友的距离越来越远了.其实在这之前我并不是没有发觉这一点的,只不过是心里总是在告诉自己这都是因为我很忙而已.但在休息的这一个月里,我终于认清楚问题所在了.忙只是我的借口.但最令我感动的是,当我有疑难时,她们还是义不容辞的站在我这一边,所以在 2010 年里,我答应自己,不可以再忽略我的好朋友们了,毕竟她们陪伴了我走过很多的回忆,那些回忆是我们回味无穷的;而接着下来的日子里,我们要一起留下更多的回忆.傻婆们...找个地方,我们傻婆好好的聚一聚吧!毕竟和你们一起的日子会是很美好的回忆.
2009 年还剩下几个小时,这一年除了忽略了好朋友外;其它的...都还蛮不错的...2010 年,对我来说是充满期待的一年. 盼望着它的到来...当然我希望傻婆家族在来着的一年可以有更好的前景,尤其是TWT, 希望她快点找到一份好的新工作哦... Cheer~~~

Last day of 2009

It is the day .... the last day of 2009 and tomorrow is yet another day to me, makes no difference though.  But, I keep on reminding myself not to be that lazy, CHEER UP and get some spirits out and let's recap the things in 2009 and what I've done right or wrong, what I've achieved, and so on...etc, etc.... 

Well, what's the difference between 2009 and the year before. Let's see.... well, I see no difference, I'm still the same, just older, maybe wiser (Hopefully), didn't have much things going on in my career, still traveling around. Jon and I still together, facing the unknown of our futures.  Oh ya, I know, I've moved from Virginia back to NY, sold my Camry, took a long leave and go home to accompany my family. Since I've been home, did a lot of things. I didn't think I've been so busy before, taking care of kids, going back from KL to KTN, KTN to KL, KL to Penang, Penang back to KL ...lalalalalalala. 

What else, ermm....having our first ever family meeting in the Leaf's family to make sure all my dad's asset being allocated to each of his offspring, and learning the history of my grandpapa when he first came to Malaysia.  Didn't have much memories of him since he was gone when I was just couple months old.  

2009 is full with weddings and also full of funerals of the people we care about . Tons of my friends were married this year and just left me and zCakes, two crazy girls that still remains single and loss in the middle of this wedding bliss ... because we gets the same question no matter where we go.. :" When is your turn to be the bride?"  @_@ 

Anyway, there's also the news of MJ, Farrah Fawcett , Adam Goldstein, Brittany Murphy, Travolta's son, and Natasha Richardson, etc... the list go on. So sad, like why people will face such tragedy and died so suddenly. Although I understand the facts that a lot of people passed away each day but knowing the name of the person is such a hard feeling and can totally understand the loss and pain of their loved one.  Just want to give many thanks to God who provided me such a wonderful family and friends, who are still with me each step of the way no matter where I am. 

 So, 2009 indeed is yet another uneventful year for me besides getting sick couple of times since I got back to M'sia but can't complaint too much. Just gotta suck it up and live on. Hoping things will be much better for 2010.... be positive and optimistic!!!! Things all happen for a reason and just have to deal with it. 

LOVE YOU ALL !!!!!!!  Have a wonderful celebrations in welcoming 2010 :)