Monday, August 31, 2009

It's been awhile

It's been awhile since anyone of us has written anything on the blog. Well, at least I have been consistently contributing my stories. Maybe I just like to write because I feel like writting has given me a place to vent and share my stories even though no one might be reading any of my entries but it's a place where I can look back in time and said...hey! I remember those days. 

Well, I've moved once again and yesterday was a long day with packing, driving and unpacking things.  I didn't really think there's too much stuff until I saw all my boxes and my clothes. My goodness, I've never thought that I would have so many belongings even after I've gone through most of them and throw away majority of the things that I can live without. I still remember the first time after I graduated from college and I was home with two big suitcases of clothes. My dad looked at me and said:" All the clothes here can last for two years!" and I replied: "This is only my summer clothes dad! ...and I still have spring, fall and winter clothes stacked in storage area until I return to the States" But, comparing to my friends' closet here, I'm the one with the least amount. Anyway, Jon's room is now filled with our JUNK and we still have to go through all of them once again to sort things out, unpack and re-organized since he's already frantically looking for his movies boxes that contain "GIRLS GONE WILD" DVD since his dad also would like to watch that. Boys Boys Boys!!!! I guess that's better than going out and find other girl ..LOL. 

It won't be long that I'll soon be home and having the three little monsters to care for. Can't wait for that to come although I know it will be difficult to handle them, but I believed I can do it well. Haha, hopefully don't get overrun by them. Kids these days are smarter and know how to play the games well on how to manipulate the adults.  Will share more of my nanny skills next time. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

All done with WORK

I'm quite happy that I've been done with my work and all and I've sent back all the laptop to the managers and haven't heard anything bad about my work yet!! I just hope there's nothing really major that I did wrong.  

So, now I'm just focusing on packing and selling all my stuff.  I've sold my camry and I felt so useless lately without my car. Can't go anywhere I please and it's pretty sad as I'm so used to doing everything myself without asking much help from others.  We've also sold our washer and dryer and just today we've sold our DVD player and the TV stand and soon we won't have a bed to sleep in.  Hahahaa... 

The apartment is slowly emptying out and I felt abit sad to see my belongings going away for good this time.  I guess, it's good to let go of the old and bring in some new stuff when I'm ready to begin my new life with Jon after all his training is all completed. Hopefully he didn't get send to Alaska.  

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Why Men Never Listen/Remember

I'm not quite sure if I was having PMS lately or am I just easily frustrated at how difficult to get things through to his HEAD!! Jon's grandfather is having his family reunion at 1pm today and yesterday we've talked about that I would go with him multiple times when he asked me whether I wanted to join.  I thought we were clear on things.  But then, this morning after he took Jake (his cousin) to his MMA(mix martial arts) practice, he called me and ask me once again whether I am going again or not? How many times do I have to repeat myself to him that I'M INDEED going with him. DUH !!! Hello? Were you paying attention to what I was telling you last night??  I feel like I wanted to bang my head on the wall- but I'm not that stupid enough to do so. 

Therefore, I'm searching on google why men tends to do that to women.  As a result, there's 33.5 millions hits on this topic. Interesting isn't it. I guess men's behavior are universal all across the globe.  Well, researcher have found that male and female listening apparatus are completely different as male only uses half of their brain while female using both sides of the brain during a conversation.  In addition, female also contains more nerve cells in their brain and has higher concentration of dopamine which control language and memory skills, which means that they can deliver message in more efficient way.  Even though we are the same species, everything else is so different.  

It took alot of effort to make a relationship successful and that is good communications. Both male and female needs to understand each other differences and hopefully won't be frustrated at each other.  During the research of the topic, I found this very interesting book called "Why men never listen & Women can't read Map" .  They cover all aspect of the in's and out's of a relationship.  It's witty and entertaining :)