Tuesday, August 18, 2009

All done with WORK

I'm quite happy that I've been done with my work and all and I've sent back all the laptop to the managers and haven't heard anything bad about my work yet!! I just hope there's nothing really major that I did wrong.  

So, now I'm just focusing on packing and selling all my stuff.  I've sold my camry and I felt so useless lately without my car. Can't go anywhere I please and it's pretty sad as I'm so used to doing everything myself without asking much help from others.  We've also sold our washer and dryer and just today we've sold our DVD player and the TV stand and soon we won't have a bed to sleep in.  Hahahaa... 

The apartment is slowly emptying out and I felt abit sad to see my belongings going away for good this time.  I guess, it's good to let go of the old and bring in some new stuff when I'm ready to begin my new life with Jon after all his training is all completed. Hopefully he didn't get send to Alaska.  

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