Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Jalan-jalan makan-makan : Part 1

I hadn't been writing for so long. Life's been up and done but for the past 2 weeks, it's been great and interesting. My jalan-jalan makan-makan trip (for almost every other weekend) started since 22.08.09 and I guess only going to end in December. =)

First weekend which was about a week ago : a short 3 days trip to Medan to visit dodol and gosh~~ I gained about 2kg in just 3 days and all my effort to lose weight gone into the drain after this very first makan weekend. The first thing we do when I landed was 'makan'. Mie kerinting for breakfast (yum yum yum...can't get that back in Msia) Instead of a shopping list, we've got a 'what to eat' list. >.<

The list goes from appetiser to dessert ; lupis, es teler, pisang goreng (sweetest I ever taste), tauhu sumbat, nasi padang (loving ayam panggang & sayur nangka), mie sop, empek-empek, fountain ice-cream, ah teng fried rice/kuey teow, nasi goreng penjara, Fountain ice-cream, soto ayam, KFC (yes, the KFC and even the PizzaHut taste nicer) and the list goes on and on.

The best this time was seafood dinner at Lembur Kuning with bunch of dodol's friends. The food was yummylicious and best of all, it was CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP, very very cheap even before the % given by the boss (dodol's friend). There were 10 of us, we ordered like crazy and the table was full with dishes like fish (panggang, goreng & sweet sour; yes, 3 fishes), squids, prawns, vegetable, kepah (clams) soups, etc. We ordered like as if it's 'all-you-can-eat' and it only cost us about Rp. 550,000. Can't get this price back home ehh...

Medan had changed alot since my trip 2 years ++ ago. There's lotsa coffee house/cafe blooming and Medanese are willing to spend and splurging on these new lifestyle as compare to the 'warkop' style hi-tea/supper. Although I missed out a few from my makan list, it's a memorable trip.........

Next, the following Merdeka weekend : to be continued in Part 2...back to work now =)

1 comment:

  1. So nice, jalan dan cari makan. Envy Envy !! My second passion after kids are FOOD.
