Sunday, October 4, 2009

Wedding Bell Rings ....

So, I've been home for awhile and have been busy with best friend's wedding and taking care of the two little monster at home; didn't really have much time to sit down and relax and start writing some of my stories. I thought the trip home will be easy but makes me miss working life a little bit at times, at least I don't have to deal with non-stop crying and throwing tantrum from the kiddos. 

Well, Bih Yin and Yit Wei's wedding was a good one. Even though I was very tired and didn't have much time to talk to them at all but I'm very happy for both of them :) Weddings are so complicated and makes me realized something that when it's my turn some day, I would prefer something real simple and easy. Seeing both of them stressing out at every moment just doesn't work well for me.  

Now, their wedding is over but there's lots more of our friends' wedding in the upcoming months. I guess it's almost time for our age to be married and have a family. Sometimes I've been thinking a lot, is marriage really necessary or it is just a procedure or a phase of life that has been passing down from generations.  Maybe I have commitment phobia or been seeing a lot of marriage that doesn't end well. 

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