Friday, October 16, 2009



"女人有两个优点,但有一个漏洞;男人虽然没有优点,却有一个长处;男人经常抓主女人的 两个优点,用自己的长处弥补女人的漏洞,这叫天衣无蓬。男人为何聪明?男人有两个头, 女人为何爱吃?女人有两张嘴,男女为何结婚?男人想通了,女人想开了,双方为何离婚? 男人知道深浅了,女人知道长短了。营养学家研究婚后男人发胖而女人瘦的原因:男人每晚 有两袋鲜奶,一个燕窝,两个鲍鱼片;而女人每晚只有一根火腿肠,两个鹌鹑蛋。男人是牛 ,女人是地,没有耕坏的地,只有累死的牛;牛越耕越瘦,地越耕越熟;好火费碳,好女费 汉,男人要性福,更应要性命"


Addicted to Facebook?

Since my account was suspended after reporting to the administration that my FB account has been hacked, I haven't been able to utilize this social networking site for nearly 4 days. I didn't think that I was addicted to FB that much but after this situation, I've realized, surfing FB has taken a chunk of my precious time.  I feel weird, awkward without checking FB once a day. I was really glad that I'm able to retrieve all my information back and having an active account again after constant e-mailing the FB abuse and disabled team. I'm just still in shocked that my account was being hacked by some random Nigerian criminals. Anyway, I'll be more alert in monitoring all my accounts from now on.  

I can now say, I'm addicted to FB.  I not only posting my own stuff but spend hours reading friends' updates and pictures sometimes. It is sort of pathetic but oh well, that's my only entertainment for the past 2 yrs while I'm away from home.  Good thing is that I'm not addicted into those games and quizzes unless someone send it to me and I find it interesting. Most of the time, I just hit IGNORE. 

I think I should find something more valuable and enlightening to do since I have the time to do so. People are so dependent on the technology and I am one of them, which I think it is very sad when a normal youngster prefer not to communicate face to face and choose to sms/texting, chatting online through web messengers.  No wonder there would be a bigger communication/ generation gap in the future. 

Saturday, October 10, 2009


This morning when I was still enjoying my cozy blanket in the room and suddenly my nephew and my sis came into the room and woke me up.  She then told me a scary findings about my facebook account. I was like "WHAT!!!!"................ I was so shocked that someone able to hack into my account and pretending to be me and utilize the chatting features to con my friends in wire transferring money through western union. WTF !!!! 

Luckily is that it was some of my good friends and my brother in law who know right away that that stupid MOFO wasn't me. And one of my friend, Calven even captured the screen and let me read the conversation. Gosh, those Nigerian scam already been around for quite awhile and I'm the unlucky one who was selected.  One even claimed that me and Jon were stuck in London and was mugged and needed money. Good thing was she is smart and asking for more details. My brother in law even better, he was using Hokkien and the stupid pretender has no clue what he was talking about. 

Although I know hackers and scammer were all over the place, never thought that I will be one of the victim after my identity was being stolen once 3 years ago.  Technology is a good thing for all of us but also creates many cybercriminals that uses people's profile to con their friends. I've learned my lesson this time, to never leave any footprints or trail for people to have a chance in using my account or profile again. DAMN YOU NIGERIANS SCAMMER!!! 

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Wedding Bell Rings ....

So, I've been home for awhile and have been busy with best friend's wedding and taking care of the two little monster at home; didn't really have much time to sit down and relax and start writing some of my stories. I thought the trip home will be easy but makes me miss working life a little bit at times, at least I don't have to deal with non-stop crying and throwing tantrum from the kiddos. 

Well, Bih Yin and Yit Wei's wedding was a good one. Even though I was very tired and didn't have much time to talk to them at all but I'm very happy for both of them :) Weddings are so complicated and makes me realized something that when it's my turn some day, I would prefer something real simple and easy. Seeing both of them stressing out at every moment just doesn't work well for me.  

Now, their wedding is over but there's lots more of our friends' wedding in the upcoming months. I guess it's almost time for our age to be married and have a family. Sometimes I've been thinking a lot, is marriage really necessary or it is just a procedure or a phase of life that has been passing down from generations.  Maybe I have commitment phobia or been seeing a lot of marriage that doesn't end well.