Monday, January 25, 2010

On Top of the World

It's been awhile since i last post, it might be a bit late for 2009 wrap-up post BUT Today is one of the best day ever EVER EVERRRRRRRRRRRR...After such a long time of waiting and rejection, and waiting again and rejection again and again and again.... At LASTTTTT, DODOL's visa APPROVED....APPROVED....oh my god, i can't believe it...i was crying when reading out the email to him over the phone...

It happened about 30mins ago, 25th January 2010 at 7.30pm when dodol got a call from SD but it got cut off. So, he called to asked to check his email.......I think my heart pumping at least at 180 when i read the title of the email Re: Good News...even though I'd promised to let him open the mail himself, I just can't stop my finger moving the mouse and clicking on the email :

Dear M

Good Day!

Good news that your work permit has been approved. Now you can start work
anytime. Are you now back to Indonesia? Would like to check, when you will
be able to start work?

Hope to hear from you soon

If you have any inquiry or need further information, please contact me

Thank you

C. K.

I really really THANK GOD~~~I'm really really grateful...Thank you for YOUR blessing, THANK YOU for ansewring my prayers...I felt lighter now....for all the hard times and waiting and stress that we went through for the whole last year, we'd see the result...It's all WORTH IT!!!! So looking forward to 2010, I jz landed my dream job last Friday and dodol visa approved...What a great few days...OMG, I should stop here...I might get heart attack now if I continue typing...............ALL THE BEST TO ALL and WISH US LUCK~~~cheeeerrrrrrrrzzzzzzzz to a blessed 2010...................