Sunday, April 26, 2009

Longing for a Getaway

Although it's only been 2 months since I had my last vacation but working really takes a toll on me lately.  Really don't feel the joy of going to work and I want to have a GETAWAY !!  If there's a getaway with friends that will be even better!! 

I don't quite understand when Jon and I went out for a trip together, things usually go sour. Haha, i guess if there's only the two of us I get really picky and we just ended up fighting and pick on each other.  Spending time with each other too much usually just not a good idea for me anyway!! LOL. I'm really hard to please.  Friends vs lover....... i think i will be a better friend than a lover. 

I NEED A VACATION !!! FOREVER if possible........ will my dream ever comes true? 

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Remember When......

 We all have best friends when we were growing up.  However, it is fate that brought us together in this little not so known school named "Alor Akar" way back when.  We were all naive and have different groups of friends when we first stepped into this school.  Slowly but surely, we get introduced to each other either at class, clubs or school play/projects.  WE began to blend into each other lifes. 

BY and I....

We've  known each other since Standard 3, so it was like 17 years ago.  We met through dance club and we've been buddies ever since.  We share alot together and have lots of good memories performing at the different events while we were so young and fearless.  Even though we never ever share one same class but our friendship remains strong throughout the years.  She's always the serious one and I'm usually the crazy one with lots of silly things to say.  We share pretty much everything with each other. I know her well enough that when we go out with her mom, people think we were sisters.   I'm glad that she findally found her love and there's a good guy taking care of her.  She's one great friend that I will truly cherish till the day I die. 

PF and I 

We've known each other since F2 I think.  She's the one that we called her "Dai Kar Jie" meaning Big sister in our girl group.  She's the one who we can rely on whenever something bad happened to one of us while we were in highschool.  She will be there to help and hold hands when we neede her.  However, I felt like she has been swifted away from us she started working and it has never been the same since.  Now, she's in England...had a beautiful baby and I wish you well dear ! 

MY and I

We've known each other also I think since F2, being introduced through PF.  We are definitely not the friends that immediately like each other at first but manageable I guess.  She's quite quiet and I'm normally loud with crazy comments.  But, i guess good friendship needs some brewing of its own.  We've gotten closer in F3 and in F4, we are like the soul sister for each other. I remember we used to go to school very early in the morning about 45 minutes before the first class start to just sit on the Gazebo and talk and talk!  We share the same Chinese and Moral class and since we can't really talk in class, we would pass notes among BY, PF to say what we wants and just giggle in silent.  Oh... i really miss that.  Her and I write to each other alot while I'm away and we share our deepest thoughts with each other and I know she will always support me on whatever decision I've made.  I think she's the one that have seen me cry the most T_T 

WT and I

Well last but not least my dear.  We know about each other existence since F2 Choral Speaking "GRASSSSSHOPPPER" !!!  I don't think we ever talk to each other, since she's a BANANA ya know.  Anyway, in  F4, we got to sit next to each other.  We quickly get acquainted with each other none the less found out we have more things in common that I would have ever thought.  I would have never thought i can be such a good friend with Banana girl.  We've had hell of a year in F5 and also while waiting for our SPM results.  We went double dating during valentine's day and I still remember that meal was HORRIBLE at Swiss Garden !!! LOL and we no longer date those guys no more.  Heartbreaking but still memorable.  We also shares a lot of secrets together.  We shares the same thoughts most of the time and our boyfriends think we are crazy.  

All of them are my best friends.  I'm really lucky to have many best friends that I know will be there for me whenever I needed them.  We have shared some crazy lifes together, through school, dating, break-ups, in sickness and family affairs.  Hence, we always refer to each other as "Soh Poh" (傻婆 ) - meaning crazy girls.   Even though life has taken us down different path after we went our separate ways since highschool;  Our friendship remain strong as steel.  Whenever we meet, we can talk till the dawn and it feels so good!!!  

Love you girls !! 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Bahasa Melayu teachers.....

A- ah, Ba - Baah, Ca - Caah...Baca~~~

That is what we can heard from a Standard 1 classroom. Even though it was almost 2 decades ago for us, but i believe most people won't forget the very first Malay word they learnt back in Std 1, hui hui hor? "ba-ca"

Primary School.....

I still remember when I start to learn writing ABC...XYZ, my teacher used to scold me for writing 'a' and 'n' like an 'u' (see image). She said "Why can't u close up your 'a' and stick your 'n' together? You're writing them like an 'u' " in a fierce way and after that her ruler always landed on my palm. Ouccchhh~~~Hahaha...

I think this is one of my unforgetable childhood experience. And also there's always creepy stories about our school 'haunted' toilet where the toilet will flush by itself but well, who knows, maybe that's where the idea of auto-flush toilet came from. Hehehe.....

High School.....

Back to the Bahasa Melayu topic, I really can't remember much about those teacher who taught us BM back in SMKAA, but I remember 5 Cemerlang BM teacher cum our form teacher but I still can't remember his name. He's the worst among all and also the only teacher I saw who slapped his student for some stupid reason which is not even supportive enough for him to act like that. The only thing he'll say to the class is "Ok, kelas. Buka mukasurat bla bla bla, buat latihan bla bla bla dan hantar sebelum kelas habis...". Then, he'll just sat at his table either looking blankly out the window or playing with his handphone until the bells rang.

I remember our whole class sign a letter (so called our 'petition') to change our BM teacher/form teacher and submit to Pn. Maziah (Headmistress, I think correct right? Her name?) and whole class was called into her office. Hahaha...but nothing came out of it.

Another teacher was Pn. Nora Azian who make her students to stand on the chair if they answered her question wrong. I can't remember whether she got taught me (ingatan sudah berkarat) or not but hui hui and mei yun was in her class for Form 3. hahaha....Anymore BM teacher you remember? I really can't remember much already, that's why I want to write it out in blog so that I can have a flashback when I read this again after 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 years..............or maybe after 60 years? Hmmm...I wonder if I would live that long......................

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Good Old Times 回顾

After talking to my crazy friends back home about this blog, I have so many flashback of our fun memories while our friendship is still in the making. I really can't believe that it's been 9 years since highschool graduation and I've been away from them for 9 years already.  

Through this 9 years away from home living in the big old USA our friendships remains strong and the home sickness become less and less obvious year after year after the internet, messengers and webcam becoming more common in the household.  From writing letters and cards to each other till e-mail, and now just chatting online almost everyday with each other.  It's a wonderful feeling that i still can keep in touch with my hommies with just a tab on the "sign in"  :) 

Now that we have this blog to share our stories with each other, just making the gap between wherever we are alot smaller.  Then, whenever I go back home to M'sia there won't be a huge awkward silence and we can just pick up where we left off all the time.  Just LOVE IT !! 

GOSH ! I miss my years in SMAA, no worries, no commitment, no responsibilities and tons of fun !! 

The 'Birth'

Good day~~~Today is almost towards the end but it has been so interesting so far since this morning..Today, I overslept and was about half late to work but am so delighted to see my best friends online, hui hui n mei mei yun...hui hui was talking about her new blog and then suddenly out of nowhere, came this idea of us sharing a same blog.

The purpose.....

The main purpose for the 'birth' of this blog is for us to keep in touch no matter where we are and hopefully, 50 years later, granny huihui, granny meiyun, granny peyfong, granny bih yin and granny wanting can a have a beautiful and memorable flashback gathering reading this very blog...It all started more than a decade ago when this ring of 5 are formed back in SMKAA~~~

The blog name.....

We started 'brainstorming' session on the blog's name from 'soh poh yat chok', 'chill-out station', 'friendship+mind+soul', memory lane, growing together, bla bla bla...and when we finally decided on 'KEEP IN TOUCH', it was taken...frustrating...we spent almost the whole morning 'brainstorming'...heheh...and finally, 'sebulat suara' on gatheringhouse.....

The nickname.....

zCakes was inspired from tLeafs and 'yun'. It was shortened from the word 'cheesecake'. I hope my life will taste like zCakes; sour, then sweet, rich and, it's so yummy and content to have cup of tea with cheesecakes under the bright sky and shaded ('protected') by the white puffy cloud (yun), thus, zCakes + tLeafs + yun.....

p/s: plus zCakes + tleafs + yun are alwiz the temperamental one...hahaha...