Thursday, April 23, 2009

Remember When......

 We all have best friends when we were growing up.  However, it is fate that brought us together in this little not so known school named "Alor Akar" way back when.  We were all naive and have different groups of friends when we first stepped into this school.  Slowly but surely, we get introduced to each other either at class, clubs or school play/projects.  WE began to blend into each other lifes. 

BY and I....

We've  known each other since Standard 3, so it was like 17 years ago.  We met through dance club and we've been buddies ever since.  We share alot together and have lots of good memories performing at the different events while we were so young and fearless.  Even though we never ever share one same class but our friendship remains strong throughout the years.  She's always the serious one and I'm usually the crazy one with lots of silly things to say.  We share pretty much everything with each other. I know her well enough that when we go out with her mom, people think we were sisters.   I'm glad that she findally found her love and there's a good guy taking care of her.  She's one great friend that I will truly cherish till the day I die. 

PF and I 

We've known each other since F2 I think.  She's the one that we called her "Dai Kar Jie" meaning Big sister in our girl group.  She's the one who we can rely on whenever something bad happened to one of us while we were in highschool.  She will be there to help and hold hands when we neede her.  However, I felt like she has been swifted away from us she started working and it has never been the same since.  Now, she's in England...had a beautiful baby and I wish you well dear ! 

MY and I

We've known each other also I think since F2, being introduced through PF.  We are definitely not the friends that immediately like each other at first but manageable I guess.  She's quite quiet and I'm normally loud with crazy comments.  But, i guess good friendship needs some brewing of its own.  We've gotten closer in F3 and in F4, we are like the soul sister for each other. I remember we used to go to school very early in the morning about 45 minutes before the first class start to just sit on the Gazebo and talk and talk!  We share the same Chinese and Moral class and since we can't really talk in class, we would pass notes among BY, PF to say what we wants and just giggle in silent.  Oh... i really miss that.  Her and I write to each other alot while I'm away and we share our deepest thoughts with each other and I know she will always support me on whatever decision I've made.  I think she's the one that have seen me cry the most T_T 

WT and I

Well last but not least my dear.  We know about each other existence since F2 Choral Speaking "GRASSSSSHOPPPER" !!!  I don't think we ever talk to each other, since she's a BANANA ya know.  Anyway, in  F4, we got to sit next to each other.  We quickly get acquainted with each other none the less found out we have more things in common that I would have ever thought.  I would have never thought i can be such a good friend with Banana girl.  We've had hell of a year in F5 and also while waiting for our SPM results.  We went double dating during valentine's day and I still remember that meal was HORRIBLE at Swiss Garden !!! LOL and we no longer date those guys no more.  Heartbreaking but still memorable.  We also shares a lot of secrets together.  We shares the same thoughts most of the time and our boyfriends think we are crazy.  

All of them are my best friends.  I'm really lucky to have many best friends that I know will be there for me whenever I needed them.  We have shared some crazy lifes together, through school, dating, break-ups, in sickness and family affairs.  Hence, we always refer to each other as "Soh Poh" (傻婆 ) - meaning crazy girls.   Even though life has taken us down different path after we went our separate ways since highschool;  Our friendship remain strong as steel.  Whenever we meet, we can talk till the dawn and it feels so good!!!  

Love you girls !! 


  1. haha...the 'banana' girl and yes...the grasshopper, Ng Kim Tai, our secrets and the telepathy...hehe...i never thought that we would have so much in common also. And yea, that 'meal' at Swiss Garden. But ironic huh, we are the two who are 'the youngest two', 'the earliest two to date guys' but are 'the last two to get married'...hahaha...
    And you must have wrote this post after a long day or you are in a rush..coz erm...i'll leave u a msg in msn

  2. Where is JK and I?
