Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Bahasa Melayu teachers.....

A- ah, Ba - Baah, Ca - Caah...Baca~~~

That is what we can heard from a Standard 1 classroom. Even though it was almost 2 decades ago for us, but i believe most people won't forget the very first Malay word they learnt back in Std 1, hui hui hor? "ba-ca"

Primary School.....

I still remember when I start to learn writing ABC...XYZ, my teacher used to scold me for writing 'a' and 'n' like an 'u' (see image). She said "Why can't u close up your 'a' and stick your 'n' together? You're writing them like an 'u' " in a fierce way and after that her ruler always landed on my palm. Ouccchhh~~~Hahaha...

I think this is one of my unforgetable childhood experience. And also there's always creepy stories about our school 'haunted' toilet where the toilet will flush by itself but well, who knows, maybe that's where the idea of auto-flush toilet came from. Hehehe.....

High School.....

Back to the Bahasa Melayu topic, I really can't remember much about those teacher who taught us BM back in SMKAA, but I remember 5 Cemerlang BM teacher cum our form teacher but I still can't remember his name. He's the worst among all and also the only teacher I saw who slapped his student for some stupid reason which is not even supportive enough for him to act like that. The only thing he'll say to the class is "Ok, kelas. Buka mukasurat bla bla bla, buat latihan bla bla bla dan hantar sebelum kelas habis...". Then, he'll just sat at his table either looking blankly out the window or playing with his handphone until the bells rang.

I remember our whole class sign a letter (so called our 'petition') to change our BM teacher/form teacher and submit to Pn. Maziah (Headmistress, I think correct right? Her name?) and whole class was called into her office. Hahaha...but nothing came out of it.

Another teacher was Pn. Nora Azian who make her students to stand on the chair if they answered her question wrong. I can't remember whether she got taught me (ingatan sudah berkarat) or not but hui hui and mei yun was in her class for Form 3. hahaha....Anymore BM teacher you remember? I really can't remember much already, that's why I want to write it out in blog so that I can have a flashback when I read this again after 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 years..............or maybe after 60 years? Hmmm...I wonder if I would live that long......................


  1. Haha... i still have Cikgu Mariam for my Form 1 kelas. But I don't quite remember ther est of it. Haha..since we all went out for tutor outside of school anyway !!

  2. Form 5 BM teacher was the one who came in to choose who's the most handsome in class one la.. The one who always say how romantic her husband was .. Forgotten the name.. but have always claimed that she's the most beautiful teacher in SMAA. konon la
