Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Good Old Times 回顾

After talking to my crazy friends back home about this blog, I have so many flashback of our fun memories while our friendship is still in the making. I really can't believe that it's been 9 years since highschool graduation and I've been away from them for 9 years already.  

Through this 9 years away from home living in the big old USA our friendships remains strong and the home sickness become less and less obvious year after year after the internet, messengers and webcam becoming more common in the household.  From writing letters and cards to each other till e-mail, and now just chatting online almost everyday with each other.  It's a wonderful feeling that i still can keep in touch with my hommies with just a tab on the "sign in"  :) 

Now that we have this blog to share our stories with each other, just making the gap between wherever we are alot smaller.  Then, whenever I go back home to M'sia there won't be a huge awkward silence and we can just pick up where we left off all the time.  Just LOVE IT !! 

GOSH ! I miss my years in SMAA, no worries, no commitment, no responsibilities and tons of fun !! 


  1. yea...i miss those good old days too...how i wish time can turn back...the life of only fun and no worries...hahah...

  2. SMKAA...9 years already...means we know each other more than 15 years leh...so great...

  3. whats your 'highlight' back in those days? Can still recall?
