Tuesday, April 21, 2009

The 'Birth'

Good day~~~Today is almost towards the end but it has been so interesting so far since this morning..Today, I overslept and was about half late to work but am so delighted to see my best friends online, hui hui n mei mei yun...hui hui was talking about her new blog and then suddenly out of nowhere, came this idea of us sharing a same blog.

The purpose.....

The main purpose for the 'birth' of this blog is for us to keep in touch no matter where we are and hopefully, 50 years later, granny huihui, granny meiyun, granny peyfong, granny bih yin and granny wanting can a have a beautiful and memorable flashback gathering reading this very blog...It all started more than a decade ago when this ring of 5 are formed back in SMKAA~~~

The blog name.....

We started 'brainstorming' session on the blog's name from 'soh poh yat chok', 'chill-out station', 'friendship+mind+soul', memory lane, growing together, bla bla bla...and when we finally decided on 'KEEP IN TOUCH', it was taken...frustrating...we spent almost the whole morning 'brainstorming'...heheh...and finally, 'sebulat suara' on gatheringhouse.....

The nickname.....

zCakes was inspired from tLeafs and 'yun'. It was shortened from the word 'cheesecake'. I hope my life will taste like zCakes; sour, then sweet, rich and creamy...hahaha...plus, it's so yummy and content to have cup of tea with cheesecakes under the bright sky and shaded ('protected') by the white puffy cloud (yun), thus, zCakes + tLeafs + yun.....

p/s: plus zCakes + tleafs + yun are alwiz the temperamental one...hahaha...


  1. Awesome... i was going to write something and wah lah...you did it !!! I guess we always have the same thought process my love !

  2. haha...yes, i did it my dear...i still can't believe it i did...hehe...ice breaker ma...hope the post will be never ending... ^_^

  3. Congratulations.. and Celebrations.... Good start... Will drop by and KPC a bit.. hahaha.
