Monday, July 27, 2009

Marriage Beliefs or Superstition (风俗还是迷信)

Most of my friends are getting married off one by one and I'm very very happy for them especially when it's two of my best friends that's about to be carried out their traditional wedding ceremony.  Anyway, one of them seemed to be facing a lot of problems with picking out the dates, as you know the Chinese has a lot of beliefs during the date for the ceremony and etc..... 

So, we were all discussing the problem on why she can't be marry before her fiance's sister get married first.  Since, our generations has been living in the modern society and didn't really follow the traditions and beliefs as much but the opinion of the elderly matters and quite bothersome at times.  Therefore, I've search through the internet and trying to find out as much information as possible regarding the matter and there's only one good explanations that I've found that make some sense but as a lot of chinese people does not follow the rules as they used to back in the days anymore. It's more of your own choice to believe it or not.

There's tons of superstitioin and traditional beliefs in Chinese Culture and society that if we decided to follow each and one of them, there will be no revolution of our culture.  Your life is put upon yourself to manage although at times there would be things that we can't control, such as fate and luck, but most of the time you can decide what you wanted to do and just do it if that makes you happy.

This is the result of our main discussion in mandarin but need to translate for my zCakes : 


(same year marriage in the family - female must marry first, then the male)


(Tradition believes that if female marry first then male meaning adding "SON" therefore is a good sign but if male marry before the female = reducing "SON" = bad sign)


(Two brothers or two sisters can't get marry in the same year)


(Tradition believes that two sisters getting married = Double marriage = Bad Sign ; Two brothers getting married the same year = Re-Married = Bad Sign) 


The Shopping Therapy

Yeaahhh~~~tLeafs is just so right...I love shopping for others especially loved ones because I don't think much of the price tag and I can spend without feeling guilty. Because you'll tell yourself that it's worth it, the love you have for them will never have a price tag. So, anything that I saw and feels like it suits them and still in my affordable range, I'll just grab it and head to the cashier. Hahaha....

But when it comes to buying something for myself, I'll think zillion times on the pros and cons, whether it's a desire or needs so I won't end up feeling guilty. Trying so hard to control myself because I know.....I know that if I let loose, I'll shop like crazy. I think I'm a 'poor' shopaholic. heheh....

I think almost every woman in this world loves shopping where the level in our purse categorised us into three level. Those whose purse are tight most likely shop at night/flea market (sometimes you can really get some nice stuff at cheap prices). Average ones will shop at deparmental stores/fashion stores (affordable and good quality, love it). The filthy rich ones mostly can be seen at high-end, cost a fortune a bag designer stores (beyond my sight, the price tag blinds me). Hahhaha....

Shopping cures my frustration, but I consider myself a smart shopper, I only shop during sales season/warehouse sales (for myself, avoid the guilty feeling; for others, I can buy it full price). Hehehe...And besides that, I got lotsa lotsa shopping membership card and got friends in retail. So, always got discount at all my favourite >.<

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Personal Shopper ! or am I

As most of you have  known, I've come to the conclusion to move home for awhile and it's about that time to pack my stuff and get organized, move out of my apartment of two years!!   Since Jon is not around for a week and I have the privilage of working at home.  I've been spending a little bit time here and there to pack my stuff up; therefore, I don't have to scramble things at the last minute. 

I started with the clothes that I've bought for my family since they always have a list of THINGS that I needed to get for them. Yeah!! Lucky me that I get to go shopping but it's always shopping for someone else. I've been buying stuff here and there for the past couple months to spread out my spending and Gosh....without knowing it, and I've packed the entire big traveling suitcase worth of clothes for my entire family and it's almost reaching 25kg -which is the limit for one luggage before an additional charges that apply if it goes overweight.  Wait... and I'm not done on my shopping list yet !! @_@ I don't even dare looking at my itemized cc statement, just close my eyes and pay the bill. 

Oh well, they are my family and I have no complaint buying stuff for them.  I especially love shopping for the nephew and nieces ...LOVE BABIES as always!!! And after showing HZ some of his clothes on webcam, he's been aksing where's his clothes everytime he sees me on the webcam.  Whereas Jovie, will just ga ga- gu gu- hu-hu on the screen and wonder curiously why is this person talking to her on the computer :P  

September is soon to come! HOME SWEET HOME-my docking station for a long time till I figure out where my next adventure will be!! 

Friday, July 24, 2009


Life's not been very interesting lately. Dodol is back to hometown, me struggling here. He struggling there. Waiting for LPR and jobhunting. Gosh, wish him more luck this time around. Almost a year he's jobless.

Stupid problem at work with brainless people. Hate calling to every single hospital pharmacist in Malaysia to check on the mailing programme. Manager ask me to write in the remarks somemore; on what the pharmacist told me because boss will ask me that way it seems. At that moment, I felt stupid and them idiotic. Come on, you called and asked whether they receive your catalogue or not. What you expect them to say? You are lucky if they even want to talk to you politely. He thought those pharmacist so free is it, can chat with me through phone and all. He better try and call up himself.

Hate to multitask because don't feels like it's my job scope and makes me feels like an idiot. Besides that, they are making me a scapegoat, asking me to do all the bad things to others. Arrgghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....................

Besides that, hates my weight now. Hates sitting in the office 9-6 Mon-Fri. Oh God, me a path, a direction, a light at least?

At this point of my life, is the point where I hate everything about myself and my life. Frustrating..................................

Lucky it's Friday again and did a little shopping with Mira after work just now. A little therapy to heal my soul. Feels abit better now after bratting it all out here...hahahah.........

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It's Good to Work from Home

Two weeks almost passed by and I managed to survive spending almost 24/7 with Jon. It wasn't as bad as I would thought and it's actually quite nice. Although, we have our moments at time but which relationship doesn't, right?

What I really like about working at home is that I practically managed my own hours and can stay up late watching TV or movies, making dinner, going out for a break as long as I put in 8 hours of work per day or 40 hrs work week anyway I would like it. However, starring at the laptop screen and looking for recipes and their cost wasn't exactly ideal; but I'll still take it compared to the daily hotel sleepover and take-out food.

I hope there's more of this kind of work around that I can be home-bound forever and get paid. Hahah... although having colleagues and some real world interactions won't be bad either as you can see, I barely go out of my comfort clothes and my apartment for the two weeks that I've been working at home. This is not healthy in the long run as well ;)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Week Long break

So nice after so many weeks of working and I finally get a week long break from work.  Anyhow, today is the 5th day of my day off and I'm already bored out of my mind at home :) Besides the Supernatural series marathon that Jon and I watched all the time and we were planning on going for strawberry picking BUT..... the season for the strawberry picking has already ended two weeks ago. BUMMER !!!! 

Why is life so boring all of a sudden?  I had this phone call from a stranger from the company telling me there's this home project that I will be working on for the next 4-5 weeks. Yeah !! But then, I was thinking, ermmm.... I have to see JON every single day lucky am I? We haven't been really spend so much time with each other that much and that really start to worry me a little bit as I told my gal pal that we will be in each other faces all the time.  Still wasn't sure if that's a good thing or bad thing ! 

Gosh...can't wait for my super long vacation to be here..... just only two months away !! Excited for that more than anything else.