Sunday, July 26, 2009

Personal Shopper ! or am I

As most of you have  known, I've come to the conclusion to move home for awhile and it's about that time to pack my stuff and get organized, move out of my apartment of two years!!   Since Jon is not around for a week and I have the privilage of working at home.  I've been spending a little bit time here and there to pack my stuff up; therefore, I don't have to scramble things at the last minute. 

I started with the clothes that I've bought for my family since they always have a list of THINGS that I needed to get for them. Yeah!! Lucky me that I get to go shopping but it's always shopping for someone else. I've been buying stuff here and there for the past couple months to spread out my spending and Gosh....without knowing it, and I've packed the entire big traveling suitcase worth of clothes for my entire family and it's almost reaching 25kg -which is the limit for one luggage before an additional charges that apply if it goes overweight.  Wait... and I'm not done on my shopping list yet !! @_@ I don't even dare looking at my itemized cc statement, just close my eyes and pay the bill. 

Oh well, they are my family and I have no complaint buying stuff for them.  I especially love shopping for the nephew and nieces ...LOVE BABIES as always!!! And after showing HZ some of his clothes on webcam, he's been aksing where's his clothes everytime he sees me on the webcam.  Whereas Jovie, will just ga ga- gu gu- hu-hu on the screen and wonder curiously why is this person talking to her on the computer :P  

September is soon to come! HOME SWEET HOME-my docking station for a long time till I figure out where my next adventure will be!! 

1 comment:

  1. izzit too late for me to add in your shopping list? hahhaha....
