Monday, July 27, 2009

The Shopping Therapy

Yeaahhh~~~tLeafs is just so right...I love shopping for others especially loved ones because I don't think much of the price tag and I can spend without feeling guilty. Because you'll tell yourself that it's worth it, the love you have for them will never have a price tag. So, anything that I saw and feels like it suits them and still in my affordable range, I'll just grab it and head to the cashier. Hahaha....

But when it comes to buying something for myself, I'll think zillion times on the pros and cons, whether it's a desire or needs so I won't end up feeling guilty. Trying so hard to control myself because I know.....I know that if I let loose, I'll shop like crazy. I think I'm a 'poor' shopaholic. heheh....

I think almost every woman in this world loves shopping where the level in our purse categorised us into three level. Those whose purse are tight most likely shop at night/flea market (sometimes you can really get some nice stuff at cheap prices). Average ones will shop at deparmental stores/fashion stores (affordable and good quality, love it). The filthy rich ones mostly can be seen at high-end, cost a fortune a bag designer stores (beyond my sight, the price tag blinds me). Hahhaha....

Shopping cures my frustration, but I consider myself a smart shopper, I only shop during sales season/warehouse sales (for myself, avoid the guilty feeling; for others, I can buy it full price). Hehehe...And besides that, I got lotsa lotsa shopping membership card and got friends in retail. So, always got discount at all my favourite >.<

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