Friday, June 19, 2009

Good Sister or Bad Sister

For the past couple days, me and my gal pals were chit chatting online as usual but noticebly that zCakes was more upset than usual. Come to realize that she's been very saddened about the situation that she has with her siblings.  I totally understand what she's into because I myself also is trapped with the responsibility of a sister.  She has 3 younger siblings to take care of and I only have one.  The responsibility of taking care of the younger sibling is very cumbersome and everyone expect you to be the GOOD SISTER!!  

I felt like sometimes I'm stucked and can't move on to the things I wanted to do because I have the responsibility to take care of my brother even though he's already 21 years old but act and behave like a 16 year old BRAT.  Things that I have to deal with and helped him settled just mind boggoling.  Although I still love him to death, but he's so used to being spoon-fed every step of the way that he's relying on me since I have been taking care of things for him as I'm so fed-up dealing with his mess.   If I stopped helping him and let him learn his mistake, I'm the one ended up paying for his mistake. frustrating !  I wonder if it's just me? or everyone else younger brother or sister acts the same way? 

Occasionally I wonder if I can just escape but I'll feel the guilt of not taking care of my brother as my parent rely on me to keep an eye on him. If I leave, I felt like leaving a cubs to fend for his life in the wild.  But, when I'm his age, I'm already matured enough to handle my on life and belongings.  Oh well, I guess I really can't judge anybody by my own perspective.  I wish I can be the sister that just don't care and live my own life.  Deep down inside, the guilty feeling will surface with the devil and angel standing on my shoulder making myself conflicting at my thoughts and actions.  What a dilemma!!

Why can't I be the youngest one? Spoiled, and can get away with so many things while the older one can't! 

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