Saturday, June 20, 2009

My weekend

Since we have nothing better to do on Friday as both of us don't have to work. We've decided to go and watch the movie: "The Proposal".  I'll give it a B because there's some part are quite slow and kept you wondering what will come up next. Overall it's a decent movie for a date night or chick flick.  That's Sandra Bullock's new movie in a very long time and I love her, plus she's pretty funny. 

The funny part of watching the movie was the lady that sat in front of us.  She cracks us up because every time anything that was funny on screen, she will laugh so loud that makes me laugh.  I guess it doesn't take a lot to make her laugh. 

Anyway, I don't think any other comedy movie this year will ever beat HANGOVER.  That's another movie that seriously makes me cry while I was laughing so hard watching it in the cinema. I wasn't sure if M'sia allowed that movie to be play on screen since there's a lot of sex related screen which will be censored.  

So, that's my weekend highlight with Jon while we spend most of our nights and morning watching Supernatural series and makes me scared of going to bed at night!! 

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