Friday, May 29, 2009


Today is quite an eventful day and gonna be fun. My boss came for meeting, my parents also coming. Along with my mom's homemade bakchang (glutinous rice dumpling with pork, salted egg, chinese mushroom and chestnut fillings). Yuummmmieeeeeeee.....But I really miss my Ah Ma's (grandma) bakchang and I miss her dearly. =(

It's been more than 7 years since she left us but she's always in our heart. The one thing I regret was I didn't have my last proper conversation with her and didn't manage to make it to the hospital to visit her. I felt so guilty and until this day, this is the only thing I regret in my life. I still feel that Ah Ma still in Penang waiting for us to go back and my siblings and cousins felt the same way too.

Yea, maybe you can say we are cheating ourselves or don't want to face the reality but the thing is it's very hard for all of us to deal with this loss. So, automatically, our brains are playing the trick for us to deal with the pain which I still felt until this moment whenever I think of her. I still cry thinking of her, missing her. I think it's because she'll always be in our heart, living in our heart forever. I know she's in a better place now and one day I'll be united with her again......

I LOVE YOU, Ah Ma.........Forever in my heart

p/s: Always cherished your loved ones every moment every second... Don't take things as granted~~~

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Nasi Nasi Lemak...

hehe...copyright (2009) reserved. Updated i had nasi lemak for breakfast and TH also longing for, just drew this and sent to her. TH, you must be 'amused' by my art skills, right? By the way, ting tong tiang is my latest nickname given by tLeaf. I quite like it. Hahaha.... Actually I'm just feeling bored as today is the day of the month again...Monthly meeting with my boss. ^-^

It's ady 10.30am and she still haven't show up. Gosh~~~ I wonder this meeting will drag until what time later. But I hope I'll get my increment today. And then, as I'm writing this, my office blackout again. Haiz... TNB (electric company) want to upgrade the system it seems and didn't give us any notice, so the whole row of offices got no electricity and it's like sauna in the office.

When my boss finally showed up at 11.30am, she decided to proceed with the meeting in the 'super cool' meeting room. Goshh~~~ Luckily it only last for about 1.5 hour (normally it'll drag up to 5 hours) and then we went to a Thai restaurant at Sunway Pyramid for lunch. When I thought at last I can sit down and enjoy my yummy lunch, debate start. Phewww~~~

Annoying colleague from another branch, not happy that we got the sales even though our quotation was higher than hers. Trying to make a scene, arrgghhhh... So what? We already close the deal and the sales is ours. Annoying annoying annoying... And didn't want to admit that she asked her girl to investigate the matter which then alerted our clients that our quotation was higher than usual and our client was unhappy. Arrrgghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....

But who cares, my boss don't mind as long as there's sales in and I don't care also coz I'd just got my increment today. Yeahh~~~ Although only 8% increment, it's still better than nothing as most of the time I'm so free in the office. Play facebook, can even update my blog, daily chatting with TH and MY, 'drawinng' sometimes, read every single page of the daily newspaper and surfing the internet. I'm getting real good pay for my almost 'jobless' job which alot of people would kill to get this job but I feel lifeless and bored and depressed sometimes. I hope to get more responsibility. Lastly, my boss got no idea what I'm doing daily and even praise me for doing a very good job. Hahahah.... Ironic huhhh.....

Yet another bad day !

Above drawing is from my best friend zCakes as she was eating Nasi Lemak (coconut rice) famous Malaysia breakfast food staples.  I was complaining that I miss eating it and she just drew this to lure my hunger while I'm staying inside the hotel after another bad day.  She's just being nice to calm my nerves to send a piece of home from her to me via MSN. LOL

Seems like just a series of unfortunate event has been following my trail lately. 

What's new today? After I got off from work today, I saw something weird at my back bumper as I'm approaching my car. Gosh...some idiot back into it and left a huge scratched mark and all the paint almost fell off from it.  Really suay (bad luck in Chinese) !!  

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bad Day T_T

I know that my luck hasn't been great for the year so far but it has just gotten worst today.  After spending about 8 hours working at the facility in Roanoke, VA, I came to find out that my money has been stolen out of my purse.  What a lovely day!!  I usually don't carry cash in my purse but just for the past couple months since I came back from M'sia that I have the extra USD that I just didn't put back into my bank account.  Is this just my luck or it's just a bad karma!  

So, I have to be intereviewed by the security officer in the facility to obtain an account of what happened and they are going to review those 8 hours of video of who has come in and out of the office. Hmmm...suspicious person beware!  Then I called Jon and told him about my bad day and all he has to say is:" It could have been worst!" . I guess it could have been worst, such as my credit card could have been stolen. I just need to snap out of it and move on.  Gosh, why these things keep on happening to me lately!!! Grrrr..... AHHHHHHHHHHHH

Lately, I just wish there's a hole in the ground where I can just put my head in and ignore the whole world around me! Like an ostrich would do when they get frightened :P   If that's what my life entails and a test for my life, I will just have to deal with it and supressed my emotions until I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

Sunday, May 24, 2009

My Sunday Thoughts

It's Memorial Day today (similar to chinese culture "Qing Ming"), Jon's aunt Susan invited us to go her house at Massanutten for a get together with her family. It takes about 40minutes from our apartment to her house up in the mountain and along the way we were listening to one of the better radio station in harrisonburg, FM 100.7.  Unfortunately, don't know what's going on today as the radio station was going retro to the 90's music recap. It's so funny that they were playing the Backstreets Boys " Backstreests Back" and I was singing to the song in the car and annoying Jon along the way !!! What a fun way to start our Sunday :D  I find it very entertaining to annoy my own boyfriend during the car ride anywhere we go.  That's the best way to test whether the boyfriend is a keeper or not.  Haha...I've met guys that don't care and would just ask their girlfriend to shut up and change the station to their liking.  Jerk ! But, Jon is a gentlement but he still get annoyed and was just holding it since he has no clue yet how to annoy me in the car! 

I've stuffed myself with tons of food today at the party and the best part was just laying on the chair and soaking up the sun.  Luckily I don't get burn but Jon will likely become a big lobster the next day or so since he's so fair and rarely get out of the sun and get burn easily.  Nothing really special after the party today and I'm just dreading the day for tomorrow to arrive as I'll hav to drive to Roanoke again for 10 days to the crazy place for support.  

MY and I were talking about the work situation last friday and I'm really really fed up with my own career and what I've been doing for the past year in the States.  Life means more than that to me and I will have to come up with a conclusion pretty soon to decide what's next on the chapter of my life.   I've been watching this new TVB series and there's a quote in there that says:" 人生有几多个十年"  as in (there's not many 10 years in life) and I really have to re-evaluate what's more important and best for myself before times run out. 

Friday, May 15, 2009

May 15th's May 15th and it's my birthday.  I'm shower with lots of birthday wishes since yesterday while I'm on MSN messenger with my friends since it was already May 15th yesterday afternoon M'sia time.  My sister called me on 12 am USA time and wishes me Happy Birthday with the sound of the little HZ but I'm so tired and already asleep so I couldn't really talk much with them over the phone.  

My wall post also bombarded with the birthday wishes on Facebook and it's all good and I'm happy my closest friend do remember my birthday.  But birthday present would nice though :)  Anyway, Jon told me that I got a big box of birthday present waiting for me when I get home on Wednesday. Hmmm....really can't wait.  

My colleague also took me out to dinner tonight at Texas Steakhouse where I stuffed myself with the sizzling iron skillet meal with a free Birthday brownie with ice cream.  Great food but I definitely over ate myself at the restaurant and I'm so full right now and it's difficult to breathe at some point :(   But, I'll have to thank Kathy for her kindness to celebrate my birthday with me and she sounded more excited than myself and keep on wishing my Happy Birthday in every 2 hours interval.  Funny girl !!  

Well, today is just another ordinary day to me and I don't find it very special.  Maybe I'm getting older and birthday is no longer that excited compared to when I'm 21 :)  Life must go on and I will have to try my best to find good things in everyday life to keep me going. 

Thanks to everyone of you who remember my Birthday!  Hugs and Kisses :* 

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Long Labor Hours....

Ahhh... I thought finally I can get out of Hillcrest and going to a nice place not far from where I live - Roanoke, VA.  Which is only 2 hrs of drive compared to 5 1/2 hrs drive prior.  This is lovely. The driving down to the account was not bad at all and the account is nice.  I then come to find out that I'll be assisting an opening account..... "LOVELY" just popped at the back of my mind. Which means, long crazy hours of work to get this accout up and running in a short amount of time. 

Well, most of my working hours were working with a computer system named GeriMenu who organized the geriatric menus that we served in the facility and also their specialized diets with likes and dislikes.  It's just taking forever to do the data entering and trying to get all the menus and diets in placed, printed out the menus and run the production sheets.  Ahhh...but it's a well spent day from 8am -8pm of work... first time ever that I have to work 12 hours at work. Gosh !! Luckily I have other team members to take care of other stuff and our boss took us out to dinner at night and he paid for it  ^_^  hahah.  Always love the boss that take good care of his employees...and we've earned our dinner fair and square!!! 

Today, again was at the account since 6am...trying to make sure the breakfast went ok. All the resident were fed and on time :) Uneventful day.  Looking at the computer at work for 11 1/2 hours is taking some tolls on my eye and I'm so tired even my colleagues noticed that I've said stupid things at the end of our work day! Man, am I tired. But as long as I can get things done, I'm happy :)  Dinner is also good at this seafood restaurant that our boss took us to, it's called Awful Arthur's ...good food, so yummy that my tummy is so bloated right now while typing this up.  Ahhhhh... I LOVE FOOD...wish I can find a boyfriend that is a Executive Chef and he can cook gourmet meals for me daily.  Hmmm....wonder if that will come true? 

Time to get some rest and getting ready for tomorrow yet another long day till eternity. 

Thursday, May 7, 2009

RE : To Love or Be Loved (Looking at LOVE from my angle)

Attn : This is a reply to TH's post in 'myeverydayaffairs'. ^_^

I think that love is always being put on a scale and carries a pricetag even though many would not admit this is the reality or may not notice that they are slowly putting their love on scale and maybe only some realise this. However, there are also love that one should not question in this world, God's love and family love (esp. parents) unconditional love. These are the unconditional love and not like your 'puppy love', boyfriend-girlfriend love and even husband-wife love which is fragile if there's no effort from both.

Being loved is happiness, to love can be sweet/sour and being in love with each other is a blessing. That is what I always thought of love. For me, there's always been a scale for love but it has to be balanced by both. It's 'give and take' and not only 'take take take' or 'give give give' because if it's only one-sided, then, one of them might lost their faith in the relationship one day.

Normally, it started out as unbalanced where usually one party will put in more effort and love the other party more than they love them. It is very important to maintain a balance throughout the relationship. For me, I think the magic words are 'patience, communication, supportive, trust and mutual understanding'.

But I believe there are lucky ones out there, somewhere celebrating their love, enjoying each other company until end of the road. For the lucky ones out there, don't take things for granted, love needs sacrification.

Wishing everybody out there to believe in love, to feel loved, to love and to be in love.........Good luck.....GOD Bless~~~

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

School vs Work

Why are people always contradicting themselves? I remember vividly when I'm in school that I swear I wanted to grow up so quickly to gain my own independence and be free out in the working society.  But now, only after 4 years of working I'm begining to get sick of this working world.  Although money is so luring that I get to have a lot of things that money can buy; deep down inside I really don't enjoy what I'm doing as far as work wise.  I still like the lifestyle in the states but just not the work that I'm doing. 

Living in irony is such a painful thing.  It's the same everywhere when I talked to my friends.  All of them don't like what they are doing.  They keep on working just because it's a job that pays and cover the expenses.  That is sad.  That's probably why there's so many shooting rampage going on in this world. 

Looking back at my life, I really miss my school days at SMAA.  Fun, energetic, fearless and just carefree!  I wouldn't change a thing if I get to turn back time to highschool.  Even though that I still complain while I was young but it was so much better than work.  Work is boring when it's so repetitive and no challenge.  I'm looking into Master degree where I can challenge myself to more higher standards in things.  Hopeful or cynical this time? 

Monday, May 4, 2009


Past 1 week was crazy...Busy with work and reports and meetings and meetings...But at last, it paid off...I'd got my confirmation and now wonder how much is the increment. Haha...(*grin)

This year past by so so so fast. I can't believe it's May. Almost half year through but I can still feel and hear the New Year celebration fireworks and countdown. Gosh~~~ Miss Pangkor, miss Langkawi, miss Bali n missing all the islands that I would love to visit.

Vacation vacation vacation....hahhah... I think I'm just being greedy. Three islands in 3 months is awesome. Maybe because of that, I'm so lazy to work and wondering who's gonna be the lucky one to grab the best job in the world as island caretaker at 'THE' Great Barrier Reef. (still thinking of white sandy beaches and the sound of waves and crytal clear seawater) Aiksssssssssss..........

However, May is a good month to start with Labour Day on the 1st...hahah... And right in the middle of the month, it's someone's birthday (hint hint jon) and at the end of the month, I'll get my increment (hopefully it's satisfying amount $$) ka ching...ka ching...ka ching....finger crossed >.< ^_^ :P xD

Friday, May 1, 2009

MAY 1st

It's May 1st today and most people are off work today in Malaysia because of Labor Day!! However, I'm excited because it's MAY..... I love the month of MAY because it's officially my Birthday month. :D  

Although that I know I'm getting older each day but I still love celebrating my birthday.  Looking back, I haven't celebrate my special day with bunch of my friends from home for a long long time.  Maybe this time we can do a web conference birthday party...ahahhaah...really stupid idea !!