Thursday, May 7, 2009

RE : To Love or Be Loved (Looking at LOVE from my angle)

Attn : This is a reply to TH's post in 'myeverydayaffairs'. ^_^

I think that love is always being put on a scale and carries a pricetag even though many would not admit this is the reality or may not notice that they are slowly putting their love on scale and maybe only some realise this. However, there are also love that one should not question in this world, God's love and family love (esp. parents) unconditional love. These are the unconditional love and not like your 'puppy love', boyfriend-girlfriend love and even husband-wife love which is fragile if there's no effort from both.

Being loved is happiness, to love can be sweet/sour and being in love with each other is a blessing. That is what I always thought of love. For me, there's always been a scale for love but it has to be balanced by both. It's 'give and take' and not only 'take take take' or 'give give give' because if it's only one-sided, then, one of them might lost their faith in the relationship one day.

Normally, it started out as unbalanced where usually one party will put in more effort and love the other party more than they love them. It is very important to maintain a balance throughout the relationship. For me, I think the magic words are 'patience, communication, supportive, trust and mutual understanding'.

But I believe there are lucky ones out there, somewhere celebrating their love, enjoying each other company until end of the road. For the lucky ones out there, don't take things for granted, love needs sacrification.

Wishing everybody out there to believe in love, to feel loved, to love and to be in love.........Good luck.....GOD Bless~~~

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