Monday, May 4, 2009


Past 1 week was crazy...Busy with work and reports and meetings and meetings...But at last, it paid off...I'd got my confirmation and now wonder how much is the increment. Haha...(*grin)

This year past by so so so fast. I can't believe it's May. Almost half year through but I can still feel and hear the New Year celebration fireworks and countdown. Gosh~~~ Miss Pangkor, miss Langkawi, miss Bali n missing all the islands that I would love to visit.

Vacation vacation vacation....hahhah... I think I'm just being greedy. Three islands in 3 months is awesome. Maybe because of that, I'm so lazy to work and wondering who's gonna be the lucky one to grab the best job in the world as island caretaker at 'THE' Great Barrier Reef. (still thinking of white sandy beaches and the sound of waves and crytal clear seawater) Aiksssssssssss..........

However, May is a good month to start with Labour Day on the 1st...hahah... And right in the middle of the month, it's someone's birthday (hint hint jon) and at the end of the month, I'll get my increment (hopefully it's satisfying amount $$) ka ching...ka ching...ka ching....finger crossed >.< ^_^ :P xD


  1. Oooo...$$ does sound tempting!! Work VS Life and LIFE VS MONEY !! MONEY ALWAYS the just doesn't work without it. Megamillions i wonder !

  2. yea...u r = vacation
