Thursday, May 28, 2009

Nasi Nasi Lemak...

hehe...copyright (2009) reserved. Updated i had nasi lemak for breakfast and TH also longing for, just drew this and sent to her. TH, you must be 'amused' by my art skills, right? By the way, ting tong tiang is my latest nickname given by tLeaf. I quite like it. Hahaha.... Actually I'm just feeling bored as today is the day of the month again...Monthly meeting with my boss. ^-^

It's ady 10.30am and she still haven't show up. Gosh~~~ I wonder this meeting will drag until what time later. But I hope I'll get my increment today. And then, as I'm writing this, my office blackout again. Haiz... TNB (electric company) want to upgrade the system it seems and didn't give us any notice, so the whole row of offices got no electricity and it's like sauna in the office.

When my boss finally showed up at 11.30am, she decided to proceed with the meeting in the 'super cool' meeting room. Goshh~~~ Luckily it only last for about 1.5 hour (normally it'll drag up to 5 hours) and then we went to a Thai restaurant at Sunway Pyramid for lunch. When I thought at last I can sit down and enjoy my yummy lunch, debate start. Phewww~~~

Annoying colleague from another branch, not happy that we got the sales even though our quotation was higher than hers. Trying to make a scene, arrgghhhh... So what? We already close the deal and the sales is ours. Annoying annoying annoying... And didn't want to admit that she asked her girl to investigate the matter which then alerted our clients that our quotation was higher than usual and our client was unhappy. Arrrgghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....

But who cares, my boss don't mind as long as there's sales in and I don't care also coz I'd just got my increment today. Yeahh~~~ Although only 8% increment, it's still better than nothing as most of the time I'm so free in the office. Play facebook, can even update my blog, daily chatting with TH and MY, 'drawinng' sometimes, read every single page of the daily newspaper and surfing the internet. I'm getting real good pay for my almost 'jobless' job which alot of people would kill to get this job but I feel lifeless and bored and depressed sometimes. I hope to get more responsibility. Lastly, my boss got no idea what I'm doing daily and even praise me for doing a very good job. Hahahah.... Ironic huhhh.....

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