Friday, May 29, 2009


Today is quite an eventful day and gonna be fun. My boss came for meeting, my parents also coming. Along with my mom's homemade bakchang (glutinous rice dumpling with pork, salted egg, chinese mushroom and chestnut fillings). Yuummmmieeeeeeee.....But I really miss my Ah Ma's (grandma) bakchang and I miss her dearly. =(

It's been more than 7 years since she left us but she's always in our heart. The one thing I regret was I didn't have my last proper conversation with her and didn't manage to make it to the hospital to visit her. I felt so guilty and until this day, this is the only thing I regret in my life. I still feel that Ah Ma still in Penang waiting for us to go back and my siblings and cousins felt the same way too.

Yea, maybe you can say we are cheating ourselves or don't want to face the reality but the thing is it's very hard for all of us to deal with this loss. So, automatically, our brains are playing the trick for us to deal with the pain which I still felt until this moment whenever I think of her. I still cry thinking of her, missing her. I think it's because she'll always be in our heart, living in our heart forever. I know she's in a better place now and one day I'll be united with her again......

I LOVE YOU, Ah Ma.........Forever in my heart

p/s: Always cherished your loved ones every moment every second... Don't take things as granted~~~


  1. I miss my mama bakzhang too... T_T

  2. hmmm...dun worry...ask ur mama to make for u when u r bc...heheh...i think im having indigestion due to too much bakchang
