Wednesday, December 30, 2009

2009 --- 惭愧的一年

正当我要动手的同时,慧慧既然已经完成了她 2009 年的回顾. 哈!!!我也想回顾一下自己过去一年来的点滴.但...一看回这一年来,我做了什么,就实在有点惭愧.为什么会有这样的结论呢...因为我发觉,这一年里我虽然日子过的很充实;但我却忽略了一样东西.那就是我和好朋友的距离越来越远了.其实在这之前我并不是没有发觉这一点的,只不过是心里总是在告诉自己这都是因为我很忙而已.但在休息的这一个月里,我终于认清楚问题所在了.忙只是我的借口.但最令我感动的是,当我有疑难时,她们还是义不容辞的站在我这一边,所以在 2010 年里,我答应自己,不可以再忽略我的好朋友们了,毕竟她们陪伴了我走过很多的回忆,那些回忆是我们回味无穷的;而接着下来的日子里,我们要一起留下更多的回忆.傻婆们...找个地方,我们傻婆好好的聚一聚吧!毕竟和你们一起的日子会是很美好的回忆.
2009 年还剩下几个小时,这一年除了忽略了好朋友外;其它的...都还蛮不错的...2010 年,对我来说是充满期待的一年. 盼望着它的到来...当然我希望傻婆家族在来着的一年可以有更好的前景,尤其是TWT, 希望她快点找到一份好的新工作哦... Cheer~~~

Last day of 2009

It is the day .... the last day of 2009 and tomorrow is yet another day to me, makes no difference though.  But, I keep on reminding myself not to be that lazy, CHEER UP and get some spirits out and let's recap the things in 2009 and what I've done right or wrong, what I've achieved, and so on...etc, etc.... 

Well, what's the difference between 2009 and the year before. Let's see.... well, I see no difference, I'm still the same, just older, maybe wiser (Hopefully), didn't have much things going on in my career, still traveling around. Jon and I still together, facing the unknown of our futures.  Oh ya, I know, I've moved from Virginia back to NY, sold my Camry, took a long leave and go home to accompany my family. Since I've been home, did a lot of things. I didn't think I've been so busy before, taking care of kids, going back from KL to KTN, KTN to KL, KL to Penang, Penang back to KL ...lalalalalalala. 

What else, ermm....having our first ever family meeting in the Leaf's family to make sure all my dad's asset being allocated to each of his offspring, and learning the history of my grandpapa when he first came to Malaysia.  Didn't have much memories of him since he was gone when I was just couple months old.  

2009 is full with weddings and also full of funerals of the people we care about . Tons of my friends were married this year and just left me and zCakes, two crazy girls that still remains single and loss in the middle of this wedding bliss ... because we gets the same question no matter where we go.. :" When is your turn to be the bride?"  @_@ 

Anyway, there's also the news of MJ, Farrah Fawcett , Adam Goldstein, Brittany Murphy, Travolta's son, and Natasha Richardson, etc... the list go on. So sad, like why people will face such tragedy and died so suddenly. Although I understand the facts that a lot of people passed away each day but knowing the name of the person is such a hard feeling and can totally understand the loss and pain of their loved one.  Just want to give many thanks to God who provided me such a wonderful family and friends, who are still with me each step of the way no matter where I am. 

 So, 2009 indeed is yet another uneventful year for me besides getting sick couple of times since I got back to M'sia but can't complaint too much. Just gotta suck it up and live on. Hoping things will be much better for 2010.... be positive and optimistic!!!! Things all happen for a reason and just have to deal with it. 

LOVE YOU ALL !!!!!!!  Have a wonderful celebrations in welcoming 2010 :) 

Friday, November 20, 2009

Rain Rain Rain .....

Well, November is the beginning of the Monsoon season, which means the raining season has finally creep into East and West Coast of Malaysia. It has been raining for weeks in the row no matter where I am, either at Penang or Kuantan. 

It's so much more cooler now at Kuantan, I guess it's only about 22 degree and I have to use a little blanket to keep me warm and at night the A/C doesn't even need to be switched on anymore. It's lovely temperature for people like me who hates the hot weather.   

Today has been a full day of MSN webcam conference all day since I woke up and was pouring cats and dogs outside. My cousin peter and nephews yong yong were chatting with me respectively in the afternoon and at nite. LOL. I didn't really expect my 2 weeks stay in Penang can really click with those youngster that were born in the mid to late 90's.  I was really astounded with their minds and how they carry themselves. Luckily was I have no generations gap with them like they have with their parents. 

Until now, I just thought of this blog which no one is ever contributing anymore except myself who is still insisting to keep this blog going. Wuahahhaa!!! 

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


It's been couple weeks since I last updated anything about myself. Just to let ya'll know that I'm now at Penang helping my sis in law taking care of Jovie and I've gotten sick since Monday without any apparent reason. I was totally healthy before that. Just suddenly it hit me on Monday that my throat is sore and then flu symptoms showing and today I've lost my voice totally this morning when I woke up. 

I quickly drank tons and tons of water to help to care for my vocal cords but it doesn't seemed to help much. Until after lunch my voice improved slightly but still very coarse and deep like a man. LOL.  Luckily as usual I have my hou ji mui (best gal friends) to chat with me through the cyber world and nurture my sickness.... hahaha 

Out of the blue when I was trying to let Jovie to go to sleep, one staff said Ms hui, you have a phone call. I was like scoobie doo "HURH" with curiosity. Once I picked up the phone and on the other end of the line was my sot plak (insane) friend zCakes. She has nothing better to do to call to my sis in law's dad's office to find me. Really didn't find a wrong nickname for her...ting tong tiang!! 

We then continue our conversations through MSN.....really pathetic, we have nothing better to do until playing like a high schoolers....wuahaha. But it was a funny memory in the end anyway :P 

Friday, October 16, 2009



"女人有两个优点,但有一个漏洞;男人虽然没有优点,却有一个长处;男人经常抓主女人的 两个优点,用自己的长处弥补女人的漏洞,这叫天衣无蓬。男人为何聪明?男人有两个头, 女人为何爱吃?女人有两张嘴,男女为何结婚?男人想通了,女人想开了,双方为何离婚? 男人知道深浅了,女人知道长短了。营养学家研究婚后男人发胖而女人瘦的原因:男人每晚 有两袋鲜奶,一个燕窝,两个鲍鱼片;而女人每晚只有一根火腿肠,两个鹌鹑蛋。男人是牛 ,女人是地,没有耕坏的地,只有累死的牛;牛越耕越瘦,地越耕越熟;好火费碳,好女费 汉,男人要性福,更应要性命"


Addicted to Facebook?

Since my account was suspended after reporting to the administration that my FB account has been hacked, I haven't been able to utilize this social networking site for nearly 4 days. I didn't think that I was addicted to FB that much but after this situation, I've realized, surfing FB has taken a chunk of my precious time.  I feel weird, awkward without checking FB once a day. I was really glad that I'm able to retrieve all my information back and having an active account again after constant e-mailing the FB abuse and disabled team. I'm just still in shocked that my account was being hacked by some random Nigerian criminals. Anyway, I'll be more alert in monitoring all my accounts from now on.  

I can now say, I'm addicted to FB.  I not only posting my own stuff but spend hours reading friends' updates and pictures sometimes. It is sort of pathetic but oh well, that's my only entertainment for the past 2 yrs while I'm away from home.  Good thing is that I'm not addicted into those games and quizzes unless someone send it to me and I find it interesting. Most of the time, I just hit IGNORE. 

I think I should find something more valuable and enlightening to do since I have the time to do so. People are so dependent on the technology and I am one of them, which I think it is very sad when a normal youngster prefer not to communicate face to face and choose to sms/texting, chatting online through web messengers.  No wonder there would be a bigger communication/ generation gap in the future. 

Saturday, October 10, 2009


This morning when I was still enjoying my cozy blanket in the room and suddenly my nephew and my sis came into the room and woke me up.  She then told me a scary findings about my facebook account. I was like "WHAT!!!!"................ I was so shocked that someone able to hack into my account and pretending to be me and utilize the chatting features to con my friends in wire transferring money through western union. WTF !!!! 

Luckily is that it was some of my good friends and my brother in law who know right away that that stupid MOFO wasn't me. And one of my friend, Calven even captured the screen and let me read the conversation. Gosh, those Nigerian scam already been around for quite awhile and I'm the unlucky one who was selected.  One even claimed that me and Jon were stuck in London and was mugged and needed money. Good thing was she is smart and asking for more details. My brother in law even better, he was using Hokkien and the stupid pretender has no clue what he was talking about. 

Although I know hackers and scammer were all over the place, never thought that I will be one of the victim after my identity was being stolen once 3 years ago.  Technology is a good thing for all of us but also creates many cybercriminals that uses people's profile to con their friends. I've learned my lesson this time, to never leave any footprints or trail for people to have a chance in using my account or profile again. DAMN YOU NIGERIANS SCAMMER!!! 

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Wedding Bell Rings ....

So, I've been home for awhile and have been busy with best friend's wedding and taking care of the two little monster at home; didn't really have much time to sit down and relax and start writing some of my stories. I thought the trip home will be easy but makes me miss working life a little bit at times, at least I don't have to deal with non-stop crying and throwing tantrum from the kiddos. 

Well, Bih Yin and Yit Wei's wedding was a good one. Even though I was very tired and didn't have much time to talk to them at all but I'm very happy for both of them :) Weddings are so complicated and makes me realized something that when it's my turn some day, I would prefer something real simple and easy. Seeing both of them stressing out at every moment just doesn't work well for me.  

Now, their wedding is over but there's lots more of our friends' wedding in the upcoming months. I guess it's almost time for our age to be married and have a family. Sometimes I've been thinking a lot, is marriage really necessary or it is just a procedure or a phase of life that has been passing down from generations.  Maybe I have commitment phobia or been seeing a lot of marriage that doesn't end well. 

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Jalan-jalan makan-makan : Part 1

I hadn't been writing for so long. Life's been up and done but for the past 2 weeks, it's been great and interesting. My jalan-jalan makan-makan trip (for almost every other weekend) started since 22.08.09 and I guess only going to end in December. =)

First weekend which was about a week ago : a short 3 days trip to Medan to visit dodol and gosh~~ I gained about 2kg in just 3 days and all my effort to lose weight gone into the drain after this very first makan weekend. The first thing we do when I landed was 'makan'. Mie kerinting for breakfast (yum yum yum...can't get that back in Msia) Instead of a shopping list, we've got a 'what to eat' list. >.<

The list goes from appetiser to dessert ; lupis, es teler, pisang goreng (sweetest I ever taste), tauhu sumbat, nasi padang (loving ayam panggang & sayur nangka), mie sop, empek-empek, fountain ice-cream, ah teng fried rice/kuey teow, nasi goreng penjara, Fountain ice-cream, soto ayam, KFC (yes, the KFC and even the PizzaHut taste nicer) and the list goes on and on.

The best this time was seafood dinner at Lembur Kuning with bunch of dodol's friends. The food was yummylicious and best of all, it was CHEAP, CHEAP, CHEAP, very very cheap even before the % given by the boss (dodol's friend). There were 10 of us, we ordered like crazy and the table was full with dishes like fish (panggang, goreng & sweet sour; yes, 3 fishes), squids, prawns, vegetable, kepah (clams) soups, etc. We ordered like as if it's 'all-you-can-eat' and it only cost us about Rp. 550,000. Can't get this price back home ehh...

Medan had changed alot since my trip 2 years ++ ago. There's lotsa coffee house/cafe blooming and Medanese are willing to spend and splurging on these new lifestyle as compare to the 'warkop' style hi-tea/supper. Although I missed out a few from my makan list, it's a memorable trip.........

Next, the following Merdeka weekend : to be continued in Part 2...back to work now =)

Monday, August 31, 2009

It's been awhile

It's been awhile since anyone of us has written anything on the blog. Well, at least I have been consistently contributing my stories. Maybe I just like to write because I feel like writting has given me a place to vent and share my stories even though no one might be reading any of my entries but it's a place where I can look back in time and said...hey! I remember those days. 

Well, I've moved once again and yesterday was a long day with packing, driving and unpacking things.  I didn't really think there's too much stuff until I saw all my boxes and my clothes. My goodness, I've never thought that I would have so many belongings even after I've gone through most of them and throw away majority of the things that I can live without. I still remember the first time after I graduated from college and I was home with two big suitcases of clothes. My dad looked at me and said:" All the clothes here can last for two years!" and I replied: "This is only my summer clothes dad! ...and I still have spring, fall and winter clothes stacked in storage area until I return to the States" But, comparing to my friends' closet here, I'm the one with the least amount. Anyway, Jon's room is now filled with our JUNK and we still have to go through all of them once again to sort things out, unpack and re-organized since he's already frantically looking for his movies boxes that contain "GIRLS GONE WILD" DVD since his dad also would like to watch that. Boys Boys Boys!!!! I guess that's better than going out and find other girl ..LOL. 

It won't be long that I'll soon be home and having the three little monsters to care for. Can't wait for that to come although I know it will be difficult to handle them, but I believed I can do it well. Haha, hopefully don't get overrun by them. Kids these days are smarter and know how to play the games well on how to manipulate the adults.  Will share more of my nanny skills next time. 

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

All done with WORK

I'm quite happy that I've been done with my work and all and I've sent back all the laptop to the managers and haven't heard anything bad about my work yet!! I just hope there's nothing really major that I did wrong.  

So, now I'm just focusing on packing and selling all my stuff.  I've sold my camry and I felt so useless lately without my car. Can't go anywhere I please and it's pretty sad as I'm so used to doing everything myself without asking much help from others.  We've also sold our washer and dryer and just today we've sold our DVD player and the TV stand and soon we won't have a bed to sleep in.  Hahahaa... 

The apartment is slowly emptying out and I felt abit sad to see my belongings going away for good this time.  I guess, it's good to let go of the old and bring in some new stuff when I'm ready to begin my new life with Jon after all his training is all completed. Hopefully he didn't get send to Alaska.  

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Why Men Never Listen/Remember

I'm not quite sure if I was having PMS lately or am I just easily frustrated at how difficult to get things through to his HEAD!! Jon's grandfather is having his family reunion at 1pm today and yesterday we've talked about that I would go with him multiple times when he asked me whether I wanted to join.  I thought we were clear on things.  But then, this morning after he took Jake (his cousin) to his MMA(mix martial arts) practice, he called me and ask me once again whether I am going again or not? How many times do I have to repeat myself to him that I'M INDEED going with him. DUH !!! Hello? Were you paying attention to what I was telling you last night??  I feel like I wanted to bang my head on the wall- but I'm not that stupid enough to do so. 

Therefore, I'm searching on google why men tends to do that to women.  As a result, there's 33.5 millions hits on this topic. Interesting isn't it. I guess men's behavior are universal all across the globe.  Well, researcher have found that male and female listening apparatus are completely different as male only uses half of their brain while female using both sides of the brain during a conversation.  In addition, female also contains more nerve cells in their brain and has higher concentration of dopamine which control language and memory skills, which means that they can deliver message in more efficient way.  Even though we are the same species, everything else is so different.  

It took alot of effort to make a relationship successful and that is good communications. Both male and female needs to understand each other differences and hopefully won't be frustrated at each other.  During the research of the topic, I found this very interesting book called "Why men never listen & Women can't read Map" .  They cover all aspect of the in's and out's of a relationship.  It's witty and entertaining :) 

Monday, July 27, 2009

Marriage Beliefs or Superstition (风俗还是迷信)

Most of my friends are getting married off one by one and I'm very very happy for them especially when it's two of my best friends that's about to be carried out their traditional wedding ceremony.  Anyway, one of them seemed to be facing a lot of problems with picking out the dates, as you know the Chinese has a lot of beliefs during the date for the ceremony and etc..... 

So, we were all discussing the problem on why she can't be marry before her fiance's sister get married first.  Since, our generations has been living in the modern society and didn't really follow the traditions and beliefs as much but the opinion of the elderly matters and quite bothersome at times.  Therefore, I've search through the internet and trying to find out as much information as possible regarding the matter and there's only one good explanations that I've found that make some sense but as a lot of chinese people does not follow the rules as they used to back in the days anymore. It's more of your own choice to believe it or not.

There's tons of superstitioin and traditional beliefs in Chinese Culture and society that if we decided to follow each and one of them, there will be no revolution of our culture.  Your life is put upon yourself to manage although at times there would be things that we can't control, such as fate and luck, but most of the time you can decide what you wanted to do and just do it if that makes you happy.

This is the result of our main discussion in mandarin but need to translate for my zCakes : 


(same year marriage in the family - female must marry first, then the male)


(Tradition believes that if female marry first then male meaning adding "SON" therefore is a good sign but if male marry before the female = reducing "SON" = bad sign)


(Two brothers or two sisters can't get marry in the same year)


(Tradition believes that two sisters getting married = Double marriage = Bad Sign ; Two brothers getting married the same year = Re-Married = Bad Sign) 


The Shopping Therapy

Yeaahhh~~~tLeafs is just so right...I love shopping for others especially loved ones because I don't think much of the price tag and I can spend without feeling guilty. Because you'll tell yourself that it's worth it, the love you have for them will never have a price tag. So, anything that I saw and feels like it suits them and still in my affordable range, I'll just grab it and head to the cashier. Hahaha....

But when it comes to buying something for myself, I'll think zillion times on the pros and cons, whether it's a desire or needs so I won't end up feeling guilty. Trying so hard to control myself because I know.....I know that if I let loose, I'll shop like crazy. I think I'm a 'poor' shopaholic. heheh....

I think almost every woman in this world loves shopping where the level in our purse categorised us into three level. Those whose purse are tight most likely shop at night/flea market (sometimes you can really get some nice stuff at cheap prices). Average ones will shop at deparmental stores/fashion stores (affordable and good quality, love it). The filthy rich ones mostly can be seen at high-end, cost a fortune a bag designer stores (beyond my sight, the price tag blinds me). Hahhaha....

Shopping cures my frustration, but I consider myself a smart shopper, I only shop during sales season/warehouse sales (for myself, avoid the guilty feeling; for others, I can buy it full price). Hehehe...And besides that, I got lotsa lotsa shopping membership card and got friends in retail. So, always got discount at all my favourite >.<

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Personal Shopper ! or am I

As most of you have  known, I've come to the conclusion to move home for awhile and it's about that time to pack my stuff and get organized, move out of my apartment of two years!!   Since Jon is not around for a week and I have the privilage of working at home.  I've been spending a little bit time here and there to pack my stuff up; therefore, I don't have to scramble things at the last minute. 

I started with the clothes that I've bought for my family since they always have a list of THINGS that I needed to get for them. Yeah!! Lucky me that I get to go shopping but it's always shopping for someone else. I've been buying stuff here and there for the past couple months to spread out my spending and Gosh....without knowing it, and I've packed the entire big traveling suitcase worth of clothes for my entire family and it's almost reaching 25kg -which is the limit for one luggage before an additional charges that apply if it goes overweight.  Wait... and I'm not done on my shopping list yet !! @_@ I don't even dare looking at my itemized cc statement, just close my eyes and pay the bill. 

Oh well, they are my family and I have no complaint buying stuff for them.  I especially love shopping for the nephew and nieces ...LOVE BABIES as always!!! And after showing HZ some of his clothes on webcam, he's been aksing where's his clothes everytime he sees me on the webcam.  Whereas Jovie, will just ga ga- gu gu- hu-hu on the screen and wonder curiously why is this person talking to her on the computer :P  

September is soon to come! HOME SWEET HOME-my docking station for a long time till I figure out where my next adventure will be!! 

Friday, July 24, 2009


Life's not been very interesting lately. Dodol is back to hometown, me struggling here. He struggling there. Waiting for LPR and jobhunting. Gosh, wish him more luck this time around. Almost a year he's jobless.

Stupid problem at work with brainless people. Hate calling to every single hospital pharmacist in Malaysia to check on the mailing programme. Manager ask me to write in the remarks somemore; on what the pharmacist told me because boss will ask me that way it seems. At that moment, I felt stupid and them idiotic. Come on, you called and asked whether they receive your catalogue or not. What you expect them to say? You are lucky if they even want to talk to you politely. He thought those pharmacist so free is it, can chat with me through phone and all. He better try and call up himself.

Hate to multitask because don't feels like it's my job scope and makes me feels like an idiot. Besides that, they are making me a scapegoat, asking me to do all the bad things to others. Arrgghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh....................

Besides that, hates my weight now. Hates sitting in the office 9-6 Mon-Fri. Oh God, me a path, a direction, a light at least?

At this point of my life, is the point where I hate everything about myself and my life. Frustrating..................................

Lucky it's Friday again and did a little shopping with Mira after work just now. A little therapy to heal my soul. Feels abit better now after bratting it all out here...hahahah.........

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

It's Good to Work from Home

Two weeks almost passed by and I managed to survive spending almost 24/7 with Jon. It wasn't as bad as I would thought and it's actually quite nice. Although, we have our moments at time but which relationship doesn't, right?

What I really like about working at home is that I practically managed my own hours and can stay up late watching TV or movies, making dinner, going out for a break as long as I put in 8 hours of work per day or 40 hrs work week anyway I would like it. However, starring at the laptop screen and looking for recipes and their cost wasn't exactly ideal; but I'll still take it compared to the daily hotel sleepover and take-out food.

I hope there's more of this kind of work around that I can be home-bound forever and get paid. Hahah... although having colleagues and some real world interactions won't be bad either as you can see, I barely go out of my comfort clothes and my apartment for the two weeks that I've been working at home. This is not healthy in the long run as well ;)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Week Long break

So nice after so many weeks of working and I finally get a week long break from work.  Anyhow, today is the 5th day of my day off and I'm already bored out of my mind at home :) Besides the Supernatural series marathon that Jon and I watched all the time and we were planning on going for strawberry picking BUT..... the season for the strawberry picking has already ended two weeks ago. BUMMER !!!! 

Why is life so boring all of a sudden?  I had this phone call from a stranger from the company telling me there's this home project that I will be working on for the next 4-5 weeks. Yeah !! But then, I was thinking, ermmm.... I have to see JON every single day lucky am I? We haven't been really spend so much time with each other that much and that really start to worry me a little bit as I told my gal pal that we will be in each other faces all the time.  Still wasn't sure if that's a good thing or bad thing ! 

Gosh...can't wait for my super long vacation to be here..... just only two months away !! Excited for that more than anything else. 

Saturday, June 27, 2009

One Week in Georgia

Time does flies, I've been in Georgia for about one week now.  Overall Columbus, GA is a nice place except the weather is extremely hot that I have to hibernate in the hotel for part of the time until the sun goes down.  

I just happened to realize that I have one ex-coursemate that moved to Georgia since graduation and I messaged her in FB to see if we can meet up for dinner.  Luckily she's not that far away and we had a nice dinner at this Thai restaurant.  We both can't believed that it's been four years since graduation and the only means of communication between the alumni is FB.  

Today is saturday and I went to work for couple hours as I don't have much to do.  So, I plan on going for more retail shopping as the shopping mall is just about 1 minute away from the hotel. How conviniently is that?? I once heard that Shopping is much cheaper than a psychiatrist. Therefore, whenever I can, I will go out for some retail therapy sessions.  I do agree that I feel much better and less stress after that.  

I'll just have to be here till next Thursday and I'll get to sleep as long as I can... Love it! 

Friday, June 26, 2009

MJ...Forever remembered & cherished

Today (25th June 2009) we lost the legendary king of pop, Micheal Jackson...Until now, at this moment it still felt like a dream to me. Still so sudden, shocking and unbelievable.

I got the news from facebook when I log in into my account. When I read the first status posted by a friend, I thought it was a prank until when I scroll down the news feed list and everyone's status posting is the same. tLeafs confirmed it thru msn...

Such a loss.............

ps: This post was a week late being posted...heheh

Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Toasted in Georgia

Finally, I get to go to a new place to do some real work. Where ? Columbus, Georgia. It's a nice city and the nursing home that I have to go to work at is Magnolia Manor. It's not too bad but it's an old building and facility compared to the others that I've been too.  Anyway, I'm here justs for 12 days where I'll be doing clinical coverage for the RD that I used to work with in Tennessee. 

I know the weather will be hot in the south but I would never expected it to be that HOT,  when I left for work today, it's 105 degree Farenheit in the car!! I feel like I'm in the toaster and everything is so hot to touch and when I cranked up the A/C, it still didn't do the work as the hotel I'm staying at only 3 minutes away.  So, by the time I left the car, it's still super hot to touch :P  I guess living in Virginia will be the perfect weather in between the North and South. 

I haven't been able to go around the town and see what the city has to offer but will definitely venture out during this weekend to tour around :) 

Saturday, June 20, 2009

My weekend

Since we have nothing better to do on Friday as both of us don't have to work. We've decided to go and watch the movie: "The Proposal".  I'll give it a B because there's some part are quite slow and kept you wondering what will come up next. Overall it's a decent movie for a date night or chick flick.  That's Sandra Bullock's new movie in a very long time and I love her, plus she's pretty funny. 

The funny part of watching the movie was the lady that sat in front of us.  She cracks us up because every time anything that was funny on screen, she will laugh so loud that makes me laugh.  I guess it doesn't take a lot to make her laugh. 

Anyway, I don't think any other comedy movie this year will ever beat HANGOVER.  That's another movie that seriously makes me cry while I was laughing so hard watching it in the cinema. I wasn't sure if M'sia allowed that movie to be play on screen since there's a lot of sex related screen which will be censored.  

So, that's my weekend highlight with Jon while we spend most of our nights and morning watching Supernatural series and makes me scared of going to bed at night!! 

Friday, June 19, 2009

Good Sister or Bad Sister

For the past couple days, me and my gal pals were chit chatting online as usual but noticebly that zCakes was more upset than usual. Come to realize that she's been very saddened about the situation that she has with her siblings.  I totally understand what she's into because I myself also is trapped with the responsibility of a sister.  She has 3 younger siblings to take care of and I only have one.  The responsibility of taking care of the younger sibling is very cumbersome and everyone expect you to be the GOOD SISTER!!  

I felt like sometimes I'm stucked and can't move on to the things I wanted to do because I have the responsibility to take care of my brother even though he's already 21 years old but act and behave like a 16 year old BRAT.  Things that I have to deal with and helped him settled just mind boggoling.  Although I still love him to death, but he's so used to being spoon-fed every step of the way that he's relying on me since I have been taking care of things for him as I'm so fed-up dealing with his mess.   If I stopped helping him and let him learn his mistake, I'm the one ended up paying for his mistake. frustrating !  I wonder if it's just me? or everyone else younger brother or sister acts the same way? 

Occasionally I wonder if I can just escape but I'll feel the guilt of not taking care of my brother as my parent rely on me to keep an eye on him. If I leave, I felt like leaving a cubs to fend for his life in the wild.  But, when I'm his age, I'm already matured enough to handle my on life and belongings.  Oh well, I guess I really can't judge anybody by my own perspective.  I wish I can be the sister that just don't care and live my own life.  Deep down inside, the guilty feeling will surface with the devil and angel standing on my shoulder making myself conflicting at my thoughts and actions.  What a dilemma!!

Why can't I be the youngest one? Spoiled, and can get away with so many things while the older one can't! 

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Pleasant Surprise

I've decided to come home one day early from work because there's absolutely nothing there for me to do at work.  I've never been so excited to come home to my own apartment before but it's such a relieve feeling to leave the place and head home! No one will understand how I feel...that place is a dump!

Anyway, after about 2 hours drive and listening to one of my favorite singer CD "Lee Hom" I can't help myself singing to the songs while I was driving since no one can hear or see me...Hahaha. After I got home, there's a mail from home where my sister had finally mailed it out after one month pass my birthday.  It's a drawing from my beloved nephew to me.... AWWWWW.  I'm really happy, anything from him makes me has that grine and smile automatically whitout making an efford to do so.  He's just so adorable and makes me misses him even more.  Here's just a sample drawing from him : 

Monday, June 15, 2009

Free from Crappy Place.

After many dreading days at work, finally I'm leaving this crappy place tomorrow and free from the cognitively challenged individuals that work in this nursing home.  All I've done since Monday was organizing, print and cut paper, surf the net and sit in the office listening to the complain from the GM about her staff this and that.  Ugghh...can't you just stop yaking...??? 

After this week, I will be flying to Columbus, Georgia to another nursing facility named Magnolia.  I hope this is a better place to be as I really can't stand dealing with another person that don't uses their brain and think to make a simple baked chicken!! OMG !!! Although I know that I have to stop thinking negatively because things are going to get worse if I do so. However, I just can't helped myself as there's nothing I can do to help this place unless they fire everyone and hire some good people to work in the kitchen.  Of course I don't have the authority to do so but how I wish I can do it.  

Remember the incidence of my money being stolen and car got hit? Well, it's been silent and no news from the up above management and they think everything is just fine.  I even bumped into the so called SECURITY DIRECTOR...and he doesn't even dare to look me in the eyes and just walked pass me and pretend nothing ever happened here in the facility.  If this is how the people treat me ... I don't think I should be here and do nice things to fix their crappy leftover mess from the previous company.  If they ever to send me back to this facility in July.... I'm just going to refuse to go and they can fire me if they want to... I SERIOUSLY DON"T CARE ANYMORE!! Hahahah .... ciao ~

Tuesday, June 9, 2009


It was late at night and I couldn't go to sleep since I'm at the hotel again for my 10 days trip.  I was laying in bed browsing the TV channel and I stopped at this particular channel named "A&E" because there's this interesting topic that caught my attention - ANOREXIA.  It's because I'm a dietitian and I can't help it (我的职业病)。 

There's this twin sister (Sonia and Julia) and they become so competetive against each other that they've had this love hate relationship with each other when their envy towards each other just spiral out of control until they are using their weight to compete with each other and ended up having anorexia. They only eat 300 calories a day! MY GOSH... and they are approximately 95lbs and about 5 foot and 8inches tall.  Their obsession with counting calories and being skinny is just beyond believe! They have a scale that they weigh each food item and everything has to be exact weigh for both of them if not one will complaint, yell and being rude. They even make rules with each other that one sister has to always be 3 lbs heavier than the other. But at the end they agreed to go to this eating disorder rehab center to accept treatment and they have been in recovery. However, people are likely to become anorexic again when they stop gaining control of themselve and letting the illness/disease to control them. 

The obsession with being skinny in this new world has become more and more common everyday!  Thanks to the stupid celebrity and all those unnecessary weight loss program and pills out there.  I just wanted to put this note out here to urge all my fellow friends to eat healthy. You don't have to starve yourself or too overly obsessive with calorie counting to be at a healthy weight. Everything in moderation is the KEY :D  Too much of anything supposedly good for you will also kill you!  Take care :) 

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Fire in the HOLE !

Well, it's been quite a week for me and I've decided to take my anger out somewhere! Jon taught me how to use the BB gun and his shot gun to shoot at target for fun today ! I was trying to upload that video on facebook and here but it didn't work, I wonder?? TOO VIOLENCE? Hahah

It was fun and I enjoyed it. However, the guns were pretty heavy and my arms are sore from practicing shooting target for just mearly 15 minutes. Gosh! I'm such a wimp and needed some weight training to build up some muscle. 

I recommend whoever needs to let their anger out to try shooting at target...haha..FUN & Awesome.  I wish I can go to a real shooting range to do more shooting using different guns :D But, instead, we have a homemade target " The spring bottle"  LMAO ... 


Monday, June 1, 2009

Stupid Me, Me Stupid...

Arrrrrrggghhhhhhhhh....I'm being a fool today. Damn it.... I just burn my own money MYR 140. Haizzzzz....

Such a fool. I'm booking the return flight singapore-kuala lumpur for dodol. Was so excited that I can meet him tomorrow after 2 long long months. So, when I open the itinerary from my email, and this thing popped out (READ those in RED) :

Book date: 01 June 2009

Confirmation Number: FZVFBT

Reservation Status: CONFIRMED

You will need to produce this itinerary, valid passports (for international flights) or photo ID (for domestic flights), and visas (where applicable) at check-in to receive your boarding card. Please check-in 2 hours prior ro scheduled departure.


Flight Itinerary - CONFIRMED
Departing - Kuala Lumpur LCCT (KUL) to Singapore (SIN)
Tuesday, 02 Jun 09 Flight TR 455 Depart Kuala Lumpur LCCT (KUL) at 13:40 and arrive in Singapore (SIN) at 14:35
Returning - Singapore (SIN) to Kuala Lumpur LCCT (KUL)
Sunday, 07 Jun 09 Flight TR 456 Depart Singapore (SIN) at 15:15 and arrive in Kuala Lumpur LCCT (KUL) at 16:10

CAN YOU SPOT THE 'FOOL'? I already highlighted them as hints~~~ LOL

And I went like "Oh my God...crapppppp.......". I'm looking at the itinerary for awhile and stunned. How on earth I can make this mistake. I've been booking flights for my personal holiday and office's like so many times and this is the first time I make a fool of myself. I checked his passport and all but missed out on the origin and destination. I'm so used to put KL as origin, forgetting that he's in Singapore and not KL.

The thing is if I want to change the flights, it'll cost me another RM182. So, I might as well buy new tickets. Losing money for no reason. Or maybe, it's karma. I said this because just today, I was telling my colleague that I'm always at this situation where the cashier always gave me extra balance. Well, most of the time I only notice it when I'm home because I normally don't check the balance that I got back. But normally, I'll return the extra cash to the poor cashier if I realised it on the spot. And seriously, I'm always in this situation. The money that I got from the usual extra balance most probably more than the amount I lost today. ^_^

So, I guess it's time to give it back to the society. To comfort myself, I made myself to think 'VERY' positively. You see, I lost my money to the airline but I believe that they must have organise/contribute to some charity work/fund. And this is my conclusion, I contributed to charity fund (indirectly) today. HAHAHA... Making a fool of myself again. Twice today... =(

Haiz, TH and I lost almost the same amount of money within a week. So 'ceh' ler... Really need to go 'buang suay'. Hehehe....

Friday, May 29, 2009


Today is quite an eventful day and gonna be fun. My boss came for meeting, my parents also coming. Along with my mom's homemade bakchang (glutinous rice dumpling with pork, salted egg, chinese mushroom and chestnut fillings). Yuummmmieeeeeeee.....But I really miss my Ah Ma's (grandma) bakchang and I miss her dearly. =(

It's been more than 7 years since she left us but she's always in our heart. The one thing I regret was I didn't have my last proper conversation with her and didn't manage to make it to the hospital to visit her. I felt so guilty and until this day, this is the only thing I regret in my life. I still feel that Ah Ma still in Penang waiting for us to go back and my siblings and cousins felt the same way too.

Yea, maybe you can say we are cheating ourselves or don't want to face the reality but the thing is it's very hard for all of us to deal with this loss. So, automatically, our brains are playing the trick for us to deal with the pain which I still felt until this moment whenever I think of her. I still cry thinking of her, missing her. I think it's because she'll always be in our heart, living in our heart forever. I know she's in a better place now and one day I'll be united with her again......

I LOVE YOU, Ah Ma.........Forever in my heart

p/s: Always cherished your loved ones every moment every second... Don't take things as granted~~~

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Nasi Nasi Lemak...

hehe...copyright (2009) reserved. Updated i had nasi lemak for breakfast and TH also longing for, just drew this and sent to her. TH, you must be 'amused' by my art skills, right? By the way, ting tong tiang is my latest nickname given by tLeaf. I quite like it. Hahaha.... Actually I'm just feeling bored as today is the day of the month again...Monthly meeting with my boss. ^-^

It's ady 10.30am and she still haven't show up. Gosh~~~ I wonder this meeting will drag until what time later. But I hope I'll get my increment today. And then, as I'm writing this, my office blackout again. Haiz... TNB (electric company) want to upgrade the system it seems and didn't give us any notice, so the whole row of offices got no electricity and it's like sauna in the office.

When my boss finally showed up at 11.30am, she decided to proceed with the meeting in the 'super cool' meeting room. Goshh~~~ Luckily it only last for about 1.5 hour (normally it'll drag up to 5 hours) and then we went to a Thai restaurant at Sunway Pyramid for lunch. When I thought at last I can sit down and enjoy my yummy lunch, debate start. Phewww~~~

Annoying colleague from another branch, not happy that we got the sales even though our quotation was higher than hers. Trying to make a scene, arrgghhhh... So what? We already close the deal and the sales is ours. Annoying annoying annoying... And didn't want to admit that she asked her girl to investigate the matter which then alerted our clients that our quotation was higher than usual and our client was unhappy. Arrrgghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.....

But who cares, my boss don't mind as long as there's sales in and I don't care also coz I'd just got my increment today. Yeahh~~~ Although only 8% increment, it's still better than nothing as most of the time I'm so free in the office. Play facebook, can even update my blog, daily chatting with TH and MY, 'drawinng' sometimes, read every single page of the daily newspaper and surfing the internet. I'm getting real good pay for my almost 'jobless' job which alot of people would kill to get this job but I feel lifeless and bored and depressed sometimes. I hope to get more responsibility. Lastly, my boss got no idea what I'm doing daily and even praise me for doing a very good job. Hahahah.... Ironic huhhh.....

Yet another bad day !

Above drawing is from my best friend zCakes as she was eating Nasi Lemak (coconut rice) famous Malaysia breakfast food staples.  I was complaining that I miss eating it and she just drew this to lure my hunger while I'm staying inside the hotel after another bad day.  She's just being nice to calm my nerves to send a piece of home from her to me via MSN. LOL

Seems like just a series of unfortunate event has been following my trail lately. 

What's new today? After I got off from work today, I saw something weird at my back bumper as I'm approaching my car. Gosh...some idiot back into it and left a huge scratched mark and all the paint almost fell off from it.  Really suay (bad luck in Chinese) !!  

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Bad Day T_T

I know that my luck hasn't been great for the year so far but it has just gotten worst today.  After spending about 8 hours working at the facility in Roanoke, VA, I came to find out that my money has been stolen out of my purse.  What a lovely day!!  I usually don't carry cash in my purse but just for the past couple months since I came back from M'sia that I have the extra USD that I just didn't put back into my bank account.  Is this just my luck or it's just a bad karma!  

So, I have to be intereviewed by the security officer in the facility to obtain an account of what happened and they are going to review those 8 hours of video of who has come in and out of the office. Hmmm...suspicious person beware!  Then I called Jon and told him about my bad day and all he has to say is:" It could have been worst!" . I guess it could have been worst, such as my credit card could have been stolen. I just need to snap out of it and move on.  Gosh, why these things keep on happening to me lately!!! Grrrr..... AHHHHHHHHHHHH

Lately, I just wish there's a hole in the ground where I can just put my head in and ignore the whole world around me! Like an ostrich would do when they get frightened :P   If that's what my life entails and a test for my life, I will just have to deal with it and supressed my emotions until I can see the light at the end of the tunnel. 

Sunday, May 24, 2009

My Sunday Thoughts

It's Memorial Day today (similar to chinese culture "Qing Ming"), Jon's aunt Susan invited us to go her house at Massanutten for a get together with her family. It takes about 40minutes from our apartment to her house up in the mountain and along the way we were listening to one of the better radio station in harrisonburg, FM 100.7.  Unfortunately, don't know what's going on today as the radio station was going retro to the 90's music recap. It's so funny that they were playing the Backstreets Boys " Backstreests Back" and I was singing to the song in the car and annoying Jon along the way !!! What a fun way to start our Sunday :D  I find it very entertaining to annoy my own boyfriend during the car ride anywhere we go.  That's the best way to test whether the boyfriend is a keeper or not.  Haha...I've met guys that don't care and would just ask their girlfriend to shut up and change the station to their liking.  Jerk ! But, Jon is a gentlement but he still get annoyed and was just holding it since he has no clue yet how to annoy me in the car! 

I've stuffed myself with tons of food today at the party and the best part was just laying on the chair and soaking up the sun.  Luckily I don't get burn but Jon will likely become a big lobster the next day or so since he's so fair and rarely get out of the sun and get burn easily.  Nothing really special after the party today and I'm just dreading the day for tomorrow to arrive as I'll hav to drive to Roanoke again for 10 days to the crazy place for support.  

MY and I were talking about the work situation last friday and I'm really really fed up with my own career and what I've been doing for the past year in the States.  Life means more than that to me and I will have to come up with a conclusion pretty soon to decide what's next on the chapter of my life.   I've been watching this new TVB series and there's a quote in there that says:" 人生有几多个十年"  as in (there's not many 10 years in life) and I really have to re-evaluate what's more important and best for myself before times run out. 

Friday, May 15, 2009

May 15th's May 15th and it's my birthday.  I'm shower with lots of birthday wishes since yesterday while I'm on MSN messenger with my friends since it was already May 15th yesterday afternoon M'sia time.  My sister called me on 12 am USA time and wishes me Happy Birthday with the sound of the little HZ but I'm so tired and already asleep so I couldn't really talk much with them over the phone.  

My wall post also bombarded with the birthday wishes on Facebook and it's all good and I'm happy my closest friend do remember my birthday.  But birthday present would nice though :)  Anyway, Jon told me that I got a big box of birthday present waiting for me when I get home on Wednesday. Hmmm....really can't wait.  

My colleague also took me out to dinner tonight at Texas Steakhouse where I stuffed myself with the sizzling iron skillet meal with a free Birthday brownie with ice cream.  Great food but I definitely over ate myself at the restaurant and I'm so full right now and it's difficult to breathe at some point :(   But, I'll have to thank Kathy for her kindness to celebrate my birthday with me and she sounded more excited than myself and keep on wishing my Happy Birthday in every 2 hours interval.  Funny girl !!  

Well, today is just another ordinary day to me and I don't find it very special.  Maybe I'm getting older and birthday is no longer that excited compared to when I'm 21 :)  Life must go on and I will have to try my best to find good things in everyday life to keep me going. 

Thanks to everyone of you who remember my Birthday!  Hugs and Kisses :* 

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Long Labor Hours....

Ahhh... I thought finally I can get out of Hillcrest and going to a nice place not far from where I live - Roanoke, VA.  Which is only 2 hrs of drive compared to 5 1/2 hrs drive prior.  This is lovely. The driving down to the account was not bad at all and the account is nice.  I then come to find out that I'll be assisting an opening account..... "LOVELY" just popped at the back of my mind. Which means, long crazy hours of work to get this accout up and running in a short amount of time. 

Well, most of my working hours were working with a computer system named GeriMenu who organized the geriatric menus that we served in the facility and also their specialized diets with likes and dislikes.  It's just taking forever to do the data entering and trying to get all the menus and diets in placed, printed out the menus and run the production sheets.  Ahhh...but it's a well spent day from 8am -8pm of work... first time ever that I have to work 12 hours at work. Gosh !! Luckily I have other team members to take care of other stuff and our boss took us out to dinner at night and he paid for it  ^_^  hahah.  Always love the boss that take good care of his employees...and we've earned our dinner fair and square!!! 

Today, again was at the account since 6am...trying to make sure the breakfast went ok. All the resident were fed and on time :) Uneventful day.  Looking at the computer at work for 11 1/2 hours is taking some tolls on my eye and I'm so tired even my colleagues noticed that I've said stupid things at the end of our work day! Man, am I tired. But as long as I can get things done, I'm happy :)  Dinner is also good at this seafood restaurant that our boss took us to, it's called Awful Arthur's ...good food, so yummy that my tummy is so bloated right now while typing this up.  Ahhhhh... I LOVE FOOD...wish I can find a boyfriend that is a Executive Chef and he can cook gourmet meals for me daily.  Hmmm....wonder if that will come true? 

Time to get some rest and getting ready for tomorrow yet another long day till eternity. 

Thursday, May 7, 2009

RE : To Love or Be Loved (Looking at LOVE from my angle)

Attn : This is a reply to TH's post in 'myeverydayaffairs'. ^_^

I think that love is always being put on a scale and carries a pricetag even though many would not admit this is the reality or may not notice that they are slowly putting their love on scale and maybe only some realise this. However, there are also love that one should not question in this world, God's love and family love (esp. parents) unconditional love. These are the unconditional love and not like your 'puppy love', boyfriend-girlfriend love and even husband-wife love which is fragile if there's no effort from both.

Being loved is happiness, to love can be sweet/sour and being in love with each other is a blessing. That is what I always thought of love. For me, there's always been a scale for love but it has to be balanced by both. It's 'give and take' and not only 'take take take' or 'give give give' because if it's only one-sided, then, one of them might lost their faith in the relationship one day.

Normally, it started out as unbalanced where usually one party will put in more effort and love the other party more than they love them. It is very important to maintain a balance throughout the relationship. For me, I think the magic words are 'patience, communication, supportive, trust and mutual understanding'.

But I believe there are lucky ones out there, somewhere celebrating their love, enjoying each other company until end of the road. For the lucky ones out there, don't take things for granted, love needs sacrification.

Wishing everybody out there to believe in love, to feel loved, to love and to be in love.........Good luck.....GOD Bless~~~

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

School vs Work

Why are people always contradicting themselves? I remember vividly when I'm in school that I swear I wanted to grow up so quickly to gain my own independence and be free out in the working society.  But now, only after 4 years of working I'm begining to get sick of this working world.  Although money is so luring that I get to have a lot of things that money can buy; deep down inside I really don't enjoy what I'm doing as far as work wise.  I still like the lifestyle in the states but just not the work that I'm doing. 

Living in irony is such a painful thing.  It's the same everywhere when I talked to my friends.  All of them don't like what they are doing.  They keep on working just because it's a job that pays and cover the expenses.  That is sad.  That's probably why there's so many shooting rampage going on in this world. 

Looking back at my life, I really miss my school days at SMAA.  Fun, energetic, fearless and just carefree!  I wouldn't change a thing if I get to turn back time to highschool.  Even though that I still complain while I was young but it was so much better than work.  Work is boring when it's so repetitive and no challenge.  I'm looking into Master degree where I can challenge myself to more higher standards in things.  Hopeful or cynical this time? 

Monday, May 4, 2009


Past 1 week was crazy...Busy with work and reports and meetings and meetings...But at last, it paid off...I'd got my confirmation and now wonder how much is the increment. Haha...(*grin)

This year past by so so so fast. I can't believe it's May. Almost half year through but I can still feel and hear the New Year celebration fireworks and countdown. Gosh~~~ Miss Pangkor, miss Langkawi, miss Bali n missing all the islands that I would love to visit.

Vacation vacation vacation....hahhah... I think I'm just being greedy. Three islands in 3 months is awesome. Maybe because of that, I'm so lazy to work and wondering who's gonna be the lucky one to grab the best job in the world as island caretaker at 'THE' Great Barrier Reef. (still thinking of white sandy beaches and the sound of waves and crytal clear seawater) Aiksssssssssss..........

However, May is a good month to start with Labour Day on the 1st...hahah... And right in the middle of the month, it's someone's birthday (hint hint jon) and at the end of the month, I'll get my increment (hopefully it's satisfying amount $$) ka ching...ka ching...ka ching....finger crossed >.< ^_^ :P xD

Friday, May 1, 2009

MAY 1st

It's May 1st today and most people are off work today in Malaysia because of Labor Day!! However, I'm excited because it's MAY..... I love the month of MAY because it's officially my Birthday month. :D  

Although that I know I'm getting older each day but I still love celebrating my birthday.  Looking back, I haven't celebrate my special day with bunch of my friends from home for a long long time.  Maybe this time we can do a web conference birthday party...ahahhaah...really stupid idea !! 

Sunday, April 26, 2009

Longing for a Getaway

Although it's only been 2 months since I had my last vacation but working really takes a toll on me lately.  Really don't feel the joy of going to work and I want to have a GETAWAY !!  If there's a getaway with friends that will be even better!! 

I don't quite understand when Jon and I went out for a trip together, things usually go sour. Haha, i guess if there's only the two of us I get really picky and we just ended up fighting and pick on each other.  Spending time with each other too much usually just not a good idea for me anyway!! LOL. I'm really hard to please.  Friends vs lover....... i think i will be a better friend than a lover. 

I NEED A VACATION !!! FOREVER if possible........ will my dream ever comes true? 

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Remember When......

 We all have best friends when we were growing up.  However, it is fate that brought us together in this little not so known school named "Alor Akar" way back when.  We were all naive and have different groups of friends when we first stepped into this school.  Slowly but surely, we get introduced to each other either at class, clubs or school play/projects.  WE began to blend into each other lifes. 

BY and I....

We've  known each other since Standard 3, so it was like 17 years ago.  We met through dance club and we've been buddies ever since.  We share alot together and have lots of good memories performing at the different events while we were so young and fearless.  Even though we never ever share one same class but our friendship remains strong throughout the years.  She's always the serious one and I'm usually the crazy one with lots of silly things to say.  We share pretty much everything with each other. I know her well enough that when we go out with her mom, people think we were sisters.   I'm glad that she findally found her love and there's a good guy taking care of her.  She's one great friend that I will truly cherish till the day I die. 

PF and I 

We've known each other since F2 I think.  She's the one that we called her "Dai Kar Jie" meaning Big sister in our girl group.  She's the one who we can rely on whenever something bad happened to one of us while we were in highschool.  She will be there to help and hold hands when we neede her.  However, I felt like she has been swifted away from us she started working and it has never been the same since.  Now, she's in England...had a beautiful baby and I wish you well dear ! 

MY and I

We've known each other also I think since F2, being introduced through PF.  We are definitely not the friends that immediately like each other at first but manageable I guess.  She's quite quiet and I'm normally loud with crazy comments.  But, i guess good friendship needs some brewing of its own.  We've gotten closer in F3 and in F4, we are like the soul sister for each other. I remember we used to go to school very early in the morning about 45 minutes before the first class start to just sit on the Gazebo and talk and talk!  We share the same Chinese and Moral class and since we can't really talk in class, we would pass notes among BY, PF to say what we wants and just giggle in silent.  Oh... i really miss that.  Her and I write to each other alot while I'm away and we share our deepest thoughts with each other and I know she will always support me on whatever decision I've made.  I think she's the one that have seen me cry the most T_T 

WT and I

Well last but not least my dear.  We know about each other existence since F2 Choral Speaking "GRASSSSSHOPPPER" !!!  I don't think we ever talk to each other, since she's a BANANA ya know.  Anyway, in  F4, we got to sit next to each other.  We quickly get acquainted with each other none the less found out we have more things in common that I would have ever thought.  I would have never thought i can be such a good friend with Banana girl.  We've had hell of a year in F5 and also while waiting for our SPM results.  We went double dating during valentine's day and I still remember that meal was HORRIBLE at Swiss Garden !!! LOL and we no longer date those guys no more.  Heartbreaking but still memorable.  We also shares a lot of secrets together.  We shares the same thoughts most of the time and our boyfriends think we are crazy.  

All of them are my best friends.  I'm really lucky to have many best friends that I know will be there for me whenever I needed them.  We have shared some crazy lifes together, through school, dating, break-ups, in sickness and family affairs.  Hence, we always refer to each other as "Soh Poh" (傻婆 ) - meaning crazy girls.   Even though life has taken us down different path after we went our separate ways since highschool;  Our friendship remain strong as steel.  Whenever we meet, we can talk till the dawn and it feels so good!!!  

Love you girls !! 

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

My Bahasa Melayu teachers.....

A- ah, Ba - Baah, Ca - Caah...Baca~~~

That is what we can heard from a Standard 1 classroom. Even though it was almost 2 decades ago for us, but i believe most people won't forget the very first Malay word they learnt back in Std 1, hui hui hor? "ba-ca"

Primary School.....

I still remember when I start to learn writing ABC...XYZ, my teacher used to scold me for writing 'a' and 'n' like an 'u' (see image). She said "Why can't u close up your 'a' and stick your 'n' together? You're writing them like an 'u' " in a fierce way and after that her ruler always landed on my palm. Ouccchhh~~~Hahaha...

I think this is one of my unforgetable childhood experience. And also there's always creepy stories about our school 'haunted' toilet where the toilet will flush by itself but well, who knows, maybe that's where the idea of auto-flush toilet came from. Hehehe.....

High School.....

Back to the Bahasa Melayu topic, I really can't remember much about those teacher who taught us BM back in SMKAA, but I remember 5 Cemerlang BM teacher cum our form teacher but I still can't remember his name. He's the worst among all and also the only teacher I saw who slapped his student for some stupid reason which is not even supportive enough for him to act like that. The only thing he'll say to the class is "Ok, kelas. Buka mukasurat bla bla bla, buat latihan bla bla bla dan hantar sebelum kelas habis...". Then, he'll just sat at his table either looking blankly out the window or playing with his handphone until the bells rang.

I remember our whole class sign a letter (so called our 'petition') to change our BM teacher/form teacher and submit to Pn. Maziah (Headmistress, I think correct right? Her name?) and whole class was called into her office. Hahaha...but nothing came out of it.

Another teacher was Pn. Nora Azian who make her students to stand on the chair if they answered her question wrong. I can't remember whether she got taught me (ingatan sudah berkarat) or not but hui hui and mei yun was in her class for Form 3. hahaha....Anymore BM teacher you remember? I really can't remember much already, that's why I want to write it out in blog so that I can have a flashback when I read this again after 10, 20, 30, 40 or 50 years..............or maybe after 60 years? Hmmm...I wonder if I would live that long......................

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Good Old Times 回顾

After talking to my crazy friends back home about this blog, I have so many flashback of our fun memories while our friendship is still in the making. I really can't believe that it's been 9 years since highschool graduation and I've been away from them for 9 years already.  

Through this 9 years away from home living in the big old USA our friendships remains strong and the home sickness become less and less obvious year after year after the internet, messengers and webcam becoming more common in the household.  From writing letters and cards to each other till e-mail, and now just chatting online almost everyday with each other.  It's a wonderful feeling that i still can keep in touch with my hommies with just a tab on the "sign in"  :) 

Now that we have this blog to share our stories with each other, just making the gap between wherever we are alot smaller.  Then, whenever I go back home to M'sia there won't be a huge awkward silence and we can just pick up where we left off all the time.  Just LOVE IT !! 

GOSH ! I miss my years in SMAA, no worries, no commitment, no responsibilities and tons of fun !! 

The 'Birth'

Good day~~~Today is almost towards the end but it has been so interesting so far since this morning..Today, I overslept and was about half late to work but am so delighted to see my best friends online, hui hui n mei mei yun...hui hui was talking about her new blog and then suddenly out of nowhere, came this idea of us sharing a same blog.

The purpose.....

The main purpose for the 'birth' of this blog is for us to keep in touch no matter where we are and hopefully, 50 years later, granny huihui, granny meiyun, granny peyfong, granny bih yin and granny wanting can a have a beautiful and memorable flashback gathering reading this very blog...It all started more than a decade ago when this ring of 5 are formed back in SMKAA~~~

The blog name.....

We started 'brainstorming' session on the blog's name from 'soh poh yat chok', 'chill-out station', 'friendship+mind+soul', memory lane, growing together, bla bla bla...and when we finally decided on 'KEEP IN TOUCH', it was taken...frustrating...we spent almost the whole morning 'brainstorming'...heheh...and finally, 'sebulat suara' on gatheringhouse.....

The nickname.....

zCakes was inspired from tLeafs and 'yun'. It was shortened from the word 'cheesecake'. I hope my life will taste like zCakes; sour, then sweet, rich and, it's so yummy and content to have cup of tea with cheesecakes under the bright sky and shaded ('protected') by the white puffy cloud (yun), thus, zCakes + tLeafs + yun.....

p/s: plus zCakes + tleafs + yun are alwiz the temperamental one...hahaha...